Friday, February 25, 2011

Why Does My Lip Piercing Have A Big Bump Inside

"How long do you still want to keep sheep?"


If time is spread layer upon layer of paint, sooner or later this crack and fall apart. The question is when? When the clever juxtaposition of phony news reports to hide the true facts will show the last chord in the country of clever fake? Mah .. Meanwhile, other countries, the important facts retain their place in the press and on TV. How long have you here with us in the sand is the enormity of the pedophile priests? Why? Perhaps the answer, indirectly, gives the Tagesspiegel, the article which I enclose the translation . ( JFPadova )
words clear. Matthias Katsch, 47, graduated from Canisius-Kollegs, among other things studied Political Science and Theology. He works as a trainer in Management. The dictatorship of the State of the Church and the strict sexual morality has changed little public debate. Matthias Katsch was himself a victim of sexual abuse at Canisius College. You assess the situation one year after the scandal of sexual abuse.

The Catholic Church in Germany is confronted with issues related to the sex scandal? This damage may already have answers? Unfortunately, things do not seem so far come to that. It seems that the victims, uncomfortable, disturbing only. Until now, the bishops did not respond to a request by the victims of a direct dialogue.

In essence the debate, we are looking anxious to avoid, should be geared to three aspects, which depend on each other inside: the form of law of the Church, its doctrine on sexuality and glue that holds it all together: money. Said the old way is therefore of obedience, chastity and poverty - and use distorted, that the Hierarchy go on to practice these virtues in order to maintain power.

The Catholic Church has already long been a spiritual dictatorship of clerics, a mostly benevolent monarchy, which is based on this or that court jester.

With this organization it has become very old. Of course there were and there are currents within the Church: left, liberal, ultraconservative and among the broad mainstream. These currents at the end we have nothing to communicate to the layman, if the hierarchy decides. In its absolutist centralism

the Church in the modern world is an anachronism, and for some it represents at the same time something fascinating.

without resistance, The sheep are to bear all that comes from

is also true that this rule by the clergy for a long time would come to an end if the majority of Catholics did not stand it worked in silence. Not always agreeing, but generally without offering any resistance, the sheep are to bear all that comes from above, keep to themselves and allow their thoughts to the Pope in Rome to go to a good man. Dominated by a culture of "as if". We act as if we were to follow your doctrine, and you behave as if you did not know at all that we do not. For decades, things go on like this.

Urge comparison.

How mummified before 1989 in dictatorships of Eastern Europe, in the most private of believers does not follow the prescription of church ministry, especially for questions concerning the personal conduct of life, such as contraception, masturbation, premarital sex, homosexuality, but also on issues such as ecumenism.

However, they do not oppose it openly, than refer to their personal conscience. And bishops and priests behave as if they did not know anything and are happy obedience simulated until the contradiction becomes apparent.

Yet this arrangement between the high and low in the Catholic Church is not as harmless as would appear. In fact, the mainstream Catholics tolerate the violence that the Church uses against its critics.

This is not meant only metaphorically, because there are real victims, but inside the church of which one can not speak. Not only theologians, still renowned for their sound even if the subject of punitive measures, which lose their work [ndt.: eg, Luigi Lombardi Vallauri, driven by the Catholic University of Milan, for having expressed opinions are not aligned on the papal Magisterium - in general, see, inter alia: http://avalonra.altervista. org / ], but for example, hundreds of children of priests, only in Germany. They are maintained by the Church as long remain hidden and their mothers are willing to remain in the dark. Then there are the many homosexuals in the church concealed, which should now become the scapegoats for the sex crimes of the clergy, by now obvious.

sexual aversion is the most important weapon Hierarchy in the struggle for power in the Church. Even if we behave differently, the perpetual threat of pastors sermon provokes in many of the faithful a sense of bad conscience. This helps to keep them under control. Even within the hierarchy of the many difficulties with respect to the celibacy of the clergy are used as disciplinary tools.

Priests have children, have women priests, the priests were men, priests abusing children as compensation for an unlived sexuality or not livable. All this is happening, but held out the highest ideal of abstinence and 'sexuality without sex. "

For this is our principle is perfect for a transnational organization, which is held together by the absolute loyalty of his paintings. In this way the Church is today the largest transnational organization of gays around the world, something to which a Jesuit in 2005 drew his attention, despite the Church for homosexuality is considered a sin.

a moral so there is more than double. And this is not surprising if you look beyond dell'orticello German: in many countries around the world, the Roman Church is a refuge for the oppressed and persecuted homosexuals. No annoying if these men do not marry, none critically analyze their love for music, for the beautiful art, to clothes and perfumes. As members of the clergy, they are treated with great respect, cherished, important and often powerful.

Celibacy claims too many men

The price they must pay, is the rejection of their hypocritical nature. Marital relationships between men and women have lived an evil, homosexuality hidden, locked, or silenced is tolerated. These servants of the Church are the most trusted of trust. They deny themselves, take even part of the demonization of sexuality, that they have suffered as intolerable, and thereby stabilize the dictatorship of the Hierarchy.

that now they are ridiculed for the actions committed by their colleagues in predominantly heterosexual, who have downloaded their immature sexuality on young victims, is a sad end result. Several times

also dismissing the thought of many Catholics that the aversion to sexuality, the double standards and the organizational forms of the Church, including celibacy, are intimately linked and may have to do with the hundreds of crimes of sexual abuse within ecclesiastical institutions, now become result. So

church doctrine on sexuality has paved the way for offenders to turn their victims. The exaggerated esprit de corps of the hierarchy has also prevented the abusers would put a brake on it, much less that they were delivered to criminal justice authorities. The Church is the organizing principle of subordination. Along with the renunciation of sexuality that allows the domain of a few hundred men out of 400,000 priests and one billion believers. In return for their loyalty to the summit of the Church is protecting its employees, if they are in difficulties.
celibacy so overloaded many men.

So an offender of celibacy within the church world can count on a lot of sympathy and understanding, even among the faithful and of course your colleagues who are struggling even on the same front. Thus, crimes of sexual abuse of children are intended primarily as guilty of sins against his religious vow.

In this respect, the victims were not really taken into account. The guilt of the victims are even more reinforced by the sexual doctrine of the Church. Later these feelings of guilt ensure that victims remain silent for a long time. They feel guilty. So the circle closes.

The thriving economic situation of the Church corrupts

Beyond that comes the glue that holds everything together: money. The members of the orders only formally promise poverty. Clergy and hierarchy have often put aside this ideal. Nevertheless, the flourishing economic situation of the Church is corrupting. Payment of civil society and the contributions of so many sheep, collected by the state, are mainly used to maintain the sign of power within the Church. No member of the Church can have their say on the use of money collected.
organizations for social, often attributed to the Church such as Caritas, working the same way as modern business enterprises and have nothing to do with the contributions of the faithful. As a rule, more than 90 percent of these costs are paid directly by the State Government. The same goes for church hospitals, for schools, retirement homes for the elderly.

Those, however, that should be addressed to the Christian charity are lost sight of: rather than to the real poor and needy, charitable offerings are geared mostly to middle and upper social strata. This is not only far from the Beatitudes of the New Testament, but in a modern state is simply useless. Homelessness, AIDS, refugees receive in only a very small proportion of the attention of the Church and its financial resources.

The commitment of many individual fighters in this area should be held in high regard, but is not likely to influence the perception that in Germany there is the Catholic Church.

listen and get involved rather than minimize and deny

And now come the victims of sexual violence in institutions and schools and ask for money to the church as compensation for their suffering and compensation for their ruined lives.

However, as the Church responds to that Son of Man who said: "Blessed are the poor? Blocks, barricades made. At the same time points out that to compensate victims could not be used tax money for the Church [ndt. In Germany the church tax is paid individually and in person who claims to belong to a church, both Catholic and Protestant or other]. Why not? The contributions of the faithful, are they not intended for support of their Church? And this Church has totally failed? Hierarchy, he has silenced the scandal, and the faithful, because they allowed the Hierarchy left to do? They should also now deal with the consequences?

Last year they met twice in Berlin, the 'Eckiger Tisch [ndt.: A group of victims of abuse by Jesuit], victims of sexual abuse and representatives of the Jesuit Order, including which the provincial manager in the '70s and its current successor. They listened and asked questions for six hours with the victims, who reported on the injuries suffered and of the failed attempts to find time listening.

This difficult comparison was a historically significant for the way in which the Church could talk: listen and get involved instead of minimize and deny.
Yet the Church in general dialogue about the issues touched on here has so far refused. Hierarchy and the faithful instead only touch the issue. As Easter Sunday 2010, when the whole world expected a word of clarification of the Pope about abuse cases and instead the head of the College of Cardinals to the Pope assured the unconditional loyalty of the hierarchy and defined the debate about the abused children as "Cianci of the moment. "

how long they want to let the Catholics present such things from their personal summit? When you finally say: "Enough"?

As long as believers, and outside the Church, in real life, they behave as adults and citizens of the state aware of its responsibility, while within the Church if they are not like sheep grown to adulthood, the pious dictatorship continues.


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