Thursday, December 30, 2010
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For the last year, but also for a quiet evening of fun with friends, I propose an original play, simple, fun and very instructive: DEFINING THE
required: a dictionary , sheets, pens
Number of Players: minimum 4
Vince: who, within a predetermined speed, scores the most points.
how to play and accumulate points:
beginning of each turn you choose a person who plays the role of capogioco. The
capogioco choose a word (with meaning unknown to all) from the dictionary WITHOUT DISCLOSING DEFINITION. The silent
capogioco writes on a piece the right definition of the word vocabulary as little changes to make it less "dizionariesca" and then folds the paper and keep aside.
Also all players write on their paper a possible definition of the word choice, then fold the paper and hands it to capogioco.
latter, then read aloud each definition (without revealing the identity of the writer), including its leaves without showing any other (the spelling could identify who wrote what).
He who guesses right as defined by Collins wins 1 point.
win a point, even those who have got the vote to the definition by other players (1 point per vote).
The game ends when all players have had the opportunity to be capogioco and highest score wins.
E 'can add a variant consisting of the allocation by each player (except capogioco) of additional points concerning the definition most hilarious or original, not before, however, the score of exact definition.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
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go beyond our society based on capitalism light, desire, consumerism. we are approaching the end of 2010 and early 2011. well. is an excellent opportunity to have fun. but maybe we could steal the true meaning of this feast. Let us behind the old and new with open arms optimism. each of us has had memorable moments in 2010, but also pain. it is time to pause for a moment to think. and leave everything behind and then be free and peaceful for a fresh start. I propose a game, a rite.
December 31, 2010, and by midnight the first, choose an old object of property, which in some ways symbolizes the pain of situations that you faced during the year. Then take a piece of paper and write on things bad happened, the contrasts, what you failed to get but you would have liked. At this point the object and put the paper in a cardboard box and give it fire at midnight on the balcony (if you can then burn the paper torn or shredded or thrown in the garbage and break the object). this is a liberating rite.
then take another sheet and write up new resolutions for 2011, what do you expect from a good new year, what would you like to do or have. smile as you type. fold the paper and, at midnight or shortly after, put it in a jar or a bottle where you wrote the date. not stored the jar in a place where there is visible every day and reopen at 31/12/2011.
this is a rite.
.. and happy new year to all!
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We woke up at 4 am. It will be for the time zone. Outside the window the sky is slightly illuminated by sunrise with intense shades of blue and violet. The contrasts with the green of palm trees is intense. The sea is silver.
"now that we are awake, and if we were swimming in the sea?"
"uh .. yes. The water will be nice and then at this time there is no "
Take gloves, boots, fins and masks .. SPLASH! We go in fresh water. It is the beginning of the discovery of the magnificent underwater paradise Polynesian. Myriad of colorful fish, corals, sponges. Excited as the children get lost in this fairytale world. Our bodies floating near the water. Our mind is filled with the euphoria of joy. We swim together. Almost hand to hand. Then I sign out. In the shore we stand gloves, mask, boots. Excited we face in a rebound of emotions without taking breath.
"go directly to breakfast?"
"I see you moving in the restaurant. I have a hunger .. "Sitting in front
fresh fruit, warm milk, warm croissants and baguettes. Wet skin is still fresh and the first warm sunshine appears some slight chill nice. We look in his eyes. Happy.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
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Dublin, December 17 (AP) - The Vatican tribunal of the Roman Rota prevented the diocese of Dublin to the lay state to reduce a serial pedophile priest Tony Walsh, and only with the intervention of John Paul II and the then Cardinal Ratzinger, the Vatican accepted it. Meanwhile, the priest came to rape a boy in the bathroom of a pub at the end of a funeral. And 'what emerges from the last chapter of a study on pedophilia in the clergy in Ireland.
In recent months the Pope has accepted the report's findings made by the Ministry of Justice Murphy in a letter to the Irish Catholics in admitting the faults of the Irish Church. Benedict XVI has accepted the resignations of several bishops in Ireland and has sent an apostolic visitation that will conclude the first part of the work at Easter.
The chapter of the report on Murphy to Father Walsh was not published until now because the priest was still on trial. Walsh, now 56, was sentenced to 12 years in prison. The prosecutor found that, when he was a priest in the diocese of Dublin, from 1978 to 1996, he molested hundreds of boys and girls, luring even the pretext of musical parish in which he imitated Elvis Presley.
Over the years, was also moved from one parish to another to avoid scandal. In 1993, finally, the then Archbishop of Dublin Desmond Connell organized an ecclesiastical trial that ended with the reduction by dismissal from the clerical state of Walsh, who, however, appealed to the court of the Roman Rota and won. Desmond asked, at that point, the intervention of Pope John Paul II and finally received a letter from Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, in January 1996, informing them that Walsh was finally defrocked.
The current archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin, has welcomed the survey results, claiming that Welsh should never be ordained a priest and that the Irish Church has sinned during the years of arrogance.
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Friday, December 17, 2010
the Vatican wanted an Irish priest convicted of molesting child ten years elapse in a monastery, but had no intention of reducing it to the lay state. This is shown by a chapter in the Murphy Report - the government report on the abuses of the clergy against children in Ireland from the 70s to today - published more than a year after the rest of the document because the trial of the priest in question, Tony Walsh , was still in progress.
Earlier this month the former priest was sentenced to 16 years in prison for sexually abusing three boys in the 70s and 80s. In the chapter of the Murphy Report which examines the case, the Catholic Church and the police suffer heavy criticism for more than 15 years Walsh was in fact free to molest children even though other priests, canons, monsignors, bishops and even the Archbishop of Dublin, were aware of what was happening. In the early 90's was an internal investigation was opened against him in 1993 and had reached the first request for removal from the priesthood.
Walsh, however, had appealed and the Vatican had decided in his favor. After molesting a child in the bathroom of a pub, Walsh was finally arrested in 1996, 16 years after the first complaint, the priest was defrocked. Forty people have complained of abuse by Walsh and the priest himself has admitted that he had "used children for sexual gratification "once every two weeks for a period of eight years.
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(AGI) - Rome, December 11 - The results of the committee Murphy, published in November 2009, provoked a storm in Ireland and in the community 'international Catholic describing in detail how the authorities' of the Church had uncovered pedophile priests in Dublin for thirty years. Dated February 26 this year, the American cable shows always the comments of the American diplomat to the Holy See, Julieta Noyes. According to Noyes, the Irish Committee, headed by Judge Yvonne Murphy, wrote directly to Vatican officials asking for information on investigations bypassing the traditional diplomatic channels.
"While the contacts at the Vatican immediately expressed deep sympathy for the victims and insisted that the priority 'would prevent it from happening again (that kind of abuse, ed), were also angered by how the situation has been conducted from the point of view politician, "said the report confidential. "The requests of the Murphy have offended many in the Vatican, the director of the Holy See, Peter Wells," he told the American diplomat that it assessed those claims as "an affront to the sovereignty 'of the Vatican."
cablegrams also reveal the Holy See's position on the situation in Cuba, told the State Department embassy in Rome. Earlier this year the Holy See had expressed its concerns to U.S. diplomats to the economic and political tension on the island that could result in "a bloodbath" and asked to loosen the tension, the end of 'embargo. E ', according to a cablegram of 21 January 2010, the U.S. Embassy to the Holy See, published by Wikileaks.
In a meeting between the number two U.S. embassy to the Holy See, Julieta Valls, and in charge of Cuban affairs for the Vatican, Angelo Accatino, it stated that "the disastrous economic situation of the island and political tensions could lead to a bloodbath. " Accatino have underlined the need to "dialogue" with Cuba, "as unpleasant results," avoiding the U.S. remains "hostage to its own internal policy," particularly in reference to the "counter-embargo" that bears on the island for 50 years.
The charge of Cuban affairs for the Vatican have also warned the United States from avoiding "any unilateral action against Cuba" because it 'might be used by the brothers Castro and Hugo Chavez as a political weapon. And in reference to the political situation in the region, Abbatine stated that the 'real' successor of Fidel Castro is not 'his brother Raul but rather' the Venezuelan president who has the oil revenues for finance the Bolivarian revolution. "
Finally, as regards the entry of Turkey into the EU in 2004 (at a time when the Vatican was officially neutral on the issue), the then Cardinal Ratzinger spoke out against the accession of a Muslim state.
The Holy See Calls to the conclusion that the reliability 'of the file relating to Wikileaks' reports sent to the State Department the United States of America by the U.S. Embassy to the Holy See, "" subject to and must be assessed very carefully, taking into account, there is a note of the fact that "these reports reflect the perceptions and opinions of those who have drawn up, and can not be considered expression of the same Holy See 'Quote of the precise words of its officials. "
This" no go - further notes the statement - in the evaluation of the extreme gravity' of the publication of a large amount 'of sensitive documents and confidential information and its possible consequences. "(AGI).
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(AFP) - London, 11 December -''The Vatican refusal 'to cooperate with Ireland in relation to abuse investigations of six children by Catholic priests in Dublin because 'requests came not from official channels.''And' what emerges from the latest revelations of the cablegrams Wikileaks on the inquiry by the committee Murphy in 2009.
Request, it says, that''offended''that many in the Vatican believed that''the Irish government had not respected and protected the sovereignty 'of the Holy See.''
The Commission's findings Murphy Abuse, published in November 2009, provoked a storm in Ireland and in the community 'international Catholic describing in detail how the authorities' of the Church had uncovered a pedophile priests Dublin for thirty years.
Dated February 26 this year, the American cable published by the ''''The Guardian newspaper, reports the comments of the American diplomat to the Holy See, Julieta Noyes. In particular, it is said that the Commission, headed by Judge Yvonne Murphy, wrote directly to Vatican officials asking for information about investigations outnumber official diplomatic channels.
''While the contacts in the Vatican - says the confidential report - immediately expressed deep condolences for the victims and insisted that the priority 'was to prevent a recurrence (of abuse), is also angry that the situation was conducted by political point of view. Requests the Committee Murphy have offended many in the Vatican.''
Councillor the Holy See, Peter Wells had told the American diplomat that it assessed those claims as''an affront to the sovereignty 'of the Vatican.''
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The Vatican has allowed its agents to testify in the investigation of the Irish Committee on the scandal of pedophile priests, showing uncooperative with Dublin. And 'what is said in a' cable 'released by Wikileaks and quoted by the Guardian is reporting that diplomats from the U.S. and Ireland. The contents of the documents' reflect the opinions of those who drafted them and can not be considered an expression of S.
See, 'said Father Lombardi.
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December 17
The former priest Tony Walsh, who was sentenced to 12 years and jailed last week for raping three children (but there are fears that the cases have been dozens), and 'indicated in the report as a of the most 'despicable pedophiles Irish. The document is reported as coming 'to raping a boy in the bathroom of a pub in Dublin at the end of a funeral in May 1994. In 1993 the diocese of Dublin wanted 'defrocked' but "the Vatican opposed," wrote the Guardian, allowing Wals to appeal while he was ordering the 'imprisoned' in a monastery. Only three years later, after the insistence of the Archbishop of Dublin Desmond Connell with John Paul II and the then Cardinal Ratzinger, the Vatican expelled him from the communion of priests.
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Milan, December 21 (Adnkronos) - sentenced to ten years in prison for Don Domenico Pezzini, The priest accused of aggravated sexual assault against a girl from Bangladesh. The preliminary hearing judge in Milan ruled that expedited the priest of the Diocese of Lodi also confirmed the extent of the prison, rejecting the request of the defense had asked that the arrest in a community 'monastic.
The priest, according to the prosecution, had abused between 2006 and 2009 of a boy who at the time was less than 14 years. The prosecutor in Milan, Christian Roveda, had asked for eight years and a half in prison, while the lawyer, Mario Zanchetti, had asked for the acquittal and the alternative transfer from prison in a community '. The victim 'was granted a provisional compensation of 50 thousand euro. Don Pezzini, a priest well known in the community 'homosexual, was abusing the young man at his home in Milan.
According to the indictment, the religious have approached the boy, who lived in a state of deterioration, in a park, giving him a chance 'for help. In reality, 'he abused him most' times for about three years. During the investigation, prosecutors had arrived in another complaint of sexual abuse against the priest, by a stranger who said he raped a fifteen years ago when he was a minor. Without limits, but the allegation was used as additional evidence to confirm the picture in the process.
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December 21
(AGI) - Milan, December 21 - The priest Don Domenico Pezzini and Lodi 'was sentenced to ten years Gup di Milano for aggravated sexual assault against a boy originally from Bangladesh, now sixteen. The process and 'the case with the summary procedure. The Gup has also confirmed the detention, while the defense had asked for house arrest. The punishment imposed and 'greater than the required eight and a half years in prison by the prosecutor advanced, Cristiana Roveda, while the defense had asked for the acquittal. The abuse allegedly took place between 2006 and 2009, when the victim had an age 'even less than 14 years.
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MILANO, 21 DIC - E 'was sentenced to ten years in prison, the priest Don Domenico Pezzini, accused of aggravated sexual assault against a girl from Bangladesh. The ruling and 'was given expedited by Gup di Milano. The court also confirmed the extent of the imprisonment of the priest of the Diocese of Lodi, in rejecting the request of the defense that he had asked the Gup that the man was put under house arrest in a community 'monastic. According to the survey, the priest was abusing the girl between 2006 and 2009 even when they were younger than 14 years. (ANSA).
Friday, December 10, 2010
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Monday, December 6, 2010
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Sunday, December 5, 2010
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Friday, December 3, 2010
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Tuesday, November 30, 2010
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500gr flour 75gr butter 00
150g sugar 2 eggs
100 ml of milk
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract 1 teaspoon baking powder 200g of Nutella
100g of icing sugar chocolate
In a bowl place the flour in the center with the butter cut into small pieces. Mix the butter until it forms a grainy paste. Now add the sugar, eggs, vanilla and baking powder.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
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Saturday, November 20, 2010
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Sunday, November 14, 2010
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Sunday, November 7, 2010
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flour 165 gr.
sugar 2 eggs
100 ml vegetable oil 1 jar
plain yogurt
25 gr cocoa
1 packet of yeast
100 grams of white chocolate into small pieces
a pinch of salt icing sugar
Grease and flour a 22cm dish and pour in the mixture.
Bake at 180 degrees for 40 minutes.
Cool the cake and sprinkle with powdered sugar (if desired over the icing sugar can also add white chocolate flakes on the surface).
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Thursday, September 30, 2010
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I L IF. At the Gran Guardia found themselves some of the people abused in childhood Domolo: "The whole international community must do the steps" A victim: "It's not a matter of faith but a fact of civilization"
The faith has nothing to do. "Who has it and keeps it certainly can help you move forward," they insisted. About talking to the audience, who communicate in sign language but all have struggled, betrayed by emotion and an embarrassment mitigated only by the fact that they were talking about a horror that had involved most of those present and that finally, after years of silence, the courage to describe touching, fondling dirty, bullying and sexual abuse by priests was the deliverance from a nightmare.
not solve their problems, but the desire to find the correct channel in which to include adolescence damaged, that damage has been reported that yesterday before an audience reduced to forty, perhaps fifty people, held in a room of Gran Guardia.
"The strength to speak in front of others is what was missing before when we could not utter a cry. The deaf do not have courage to speak, the problem is the communication of the deaf. I come from Milan, I was in college, my release was a secular master hearing, not a priest, "said the language of gestures with a gentleman of Milan.
A wound that does not heal anyone ever, but public speaking is liberating and to their courage yesterday were the enlargement of articles that appeared in newspapers and on complaints and investigation of sexual abuse by priests in other countries. The courage to speak and the knowledge that in Italy, despite the hardness of Pope Benedict XVI to condemn the incidents of pedophilia that took place in the shadow of the towers, only now something is moving. But what about the alumni of the deaf Provolo many years have passed. And the complaint, public about what happened within the walls of the institution in a few days will result in a joint committee made up of deaf and representatives of the Curia who will be responsible for collecting the testimonies of those who were abused by priests (some still alive) and siblings laity. Moreover, reports are sent to Rome, the Vatican.
not about faith, has to do with dignity, the denial of adolescence and the problems related to abuse by those who made those children was a guide, a man in a cassock. The association of alumni of the Institute for the Deaf Provolo initiated the first meeting in Italy did so by collecting the request of two families of Brescia (the parents of two girls aged six years abused by a priest) who asked for the cooperation and support of non-profit organization. Of this and no other because in January 2008 made public the stories of repeated sexual abuse suffered by children and continue to work with deaf priests and lay brothers who formed the body of educators.
They did yesterday, once children are grown men, some with white hair, but one by one they approached the microphone and looking into the eyes of the public broke his silence because of shame and fear, voiced the suffering for years has gone to bed with them and that someone has resulted in the waiving of having children for fear they could become victims of abuse.
"The international community must do his steps to ask for the declaration of a crime against humanity for the sexual abuse by priests," explains Salvatore Domolo, autosospesosi as a priest in 2005, "sbattezzato" last year, with a memory sexual abuse by a priest between 8 and 11 years.
is the referent of the "blame" that attended the Great Guard and a supporter of an international declaration because, said one of the aspects of pedophilia of priests has not only the vast number "in the U.S. cases about 5,000 are full-blown in Italy is more difficult, for the moment a hundred, but for this meeting, we received about fifty e-mail, "but also" the vastness Region: North so far has spoken of the world, what happens when Third World countries have the courage to come out? ".
And we add "the active complicity of the Church who knew everything and move the pawns, the pedophile priest was sent to Rome and the case was resolved. There was only the repeated abuse, is not that we have watched recently: it is that we did everything because he hid. "
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In Verona Italian victims of pedophile priests have found themselves in the first public meeting of the "Guilt". A report the abuse, many of the more than 70 victims of priests and educators for the deaf dell'Istututo Provolo, but also people from all over Italy.
The Italian victims of pedophile priests for the first time you meet a Verona in the first public meeting of "negligence" . To denounce the abuse many of the more than 70 victims of priests and educators for the deaf dell'Istututo Provolo of Verona. The college, run by religious, 50s at least until the end of the year '80 was the scene of abuse and violence of every kind on boys and girls. A spiral of violence that has also affected the curia Verona.
with their testimony, however, was also attended by people abused as children in Liguria, Milan, Ancona and in many other parts of Italy. Many of them had families distracted or almost non-existent shoulders. For other parishes, Catholic schools, Scouts, or the activities organized by the Church closer to home was the only moment of fun or the only way to grow in an environment that parents thought were safe. And often, despite having spoken children, have not been heard or not believed by their parents or by the ecclesiastical authorities.
For all there is the need for strong, to be heard, even after several years when the crimes are often prescribed - in Italy crimes leagti èedofilia to decay after 10 years-and to reveal what happened to them. But most are struggling because pedophilia within the Church and also in the Italian society is exposed. "We call that pedophilia in the Church is considered a crime against humanity," said Salvatore Domolo , a former priest and victim of abuse, in turn, by a first rteligioso to enter the seminary. "All over the world, children have been abused with the complicity of the bishops who they knew and were limited to move priests pedophiles from parish to parish to avoid scandal." Even if so, in fact, have made them easier to get in touch with potential child victims.
There is a lot of emotion when talking Alda, 58, "Marcellino Pane e Vino" the kimono as the Sisters of the Institute Provolo. For her, the violence started shortly before the first communion with her friends when she was forced to go to confession every week. And in these moments the priest abused them. So much so that in 15 years when it finally was released by the institute, was "almost a single mother without even knowing how it had been possible." A story shared by many of his classmates. But these terrible events is not unique to the institution for the deaf in Verona. They are much more common than you might imagine. The more than 40 emails sent to internet of "Guilt" by people who did not felt to participate in the event the witness.
The next step for "negligence" is involved - the victims of religious pedophiles around the world - a demonstration in Rome on October 31 . Then this group of people who are building will be structured and follow the victims of abuse at both the psychological and legal possibilities, including the use of class action.
CNRmedia - 25/09/2010
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In Verona Italian victims of pedophile priests have found themselves in the first public meeting of the "Guilt". A report the abuse, many of the more than 70 victims of priests and educators for the deaf dell'Istututo Provolo, but also people from all over Italy.
The Italian victims of pedophile priests for the first time you meet a Verona in the first public meeting of "negligence" . To denounce the abuse many of the more than 70 victims of priests and educators for the deaf dell'Istututo Provolo of Verona.
The college, run by men from the 50s at least until the end of the year '80 was the scene of abuse and violence of every kind on boys and girls. A spiral of violence that has also affected the curia Verona.
with their testimony, however, was also attended by people abused as children in Liguria, Milan, Ancona and in many other parts of Italy. Many of them had families distracted or almost non-existent shoulders. For other parishes, Catholic schools, Scouts, or the activities organized by the Church closer to home was the only moment of fun or unique opportunity to grow in an environment that parents thought were safe.
And often, despite having spoken by children, have not been heard or not believed by their parents or by the ecclesiastical authorities.
For all there is the need for strong, to be heard, even after several years when the crimes are often prescribed - in Italy crimes leagti èedofilia to decay after 10 years-and to reveal what happened to them.
But most are struggling because pedophilia within the Church and also in the Italian society is exposed. "We call that pedophilia in the Church is considered a crime against humanity, "said Salvatore Domolo , a former priest and victim of abuse, in turn, by a rteligioso before entering the seminary." Throughout the world, children have been abused with the complicity of the bishops that they knew and have simply moved priests pedophiles from parish to parish to avoid scandal. "Even so, in fact, have made them easier to get in touch with potential child victims.
C 'is a lot of emotion when talking is Alda, 58, "Marcellino Pane e Vino" as the kimono, the sisters of the Institute Provolo. For her, the violence started shortly before the first communion with her friends when she was forced to go to confession every week. And in these moments the priest abused them. So much so that in 15 years when it finally was released by the institute, was "almost a single mother without even knowing how it had been possible." A story shared by many of his classmates. But these terrible events is not unique to the institution for the deaf in Verona. They are much more common than you might imagine. The more than 40 emails sent to internet of "Guilt" by people who did not felt to participate in the event the witness.
The next step for "negligence" is involved - the victims of religious pedophiles around the world - a demonstration in Rome on October 31 . Then this group of people who are building will be structured and follow the victims of abuse at both the psychological and legal possibilities, including the use of class action.
CNRmedia - 25/09/2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
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10/09/10 16:47 CET
From Thursday, the pope will be in Britain for a beatification.
But there are those who reminds him that not all priests are saints is yesterday's protest about the Vatican Embassy for the victims of sexual abuse.
Condemnation is not enough, say demonstrators, open the file on pedophiles: "We demand that the Pope and the Vatican establish a worldwide database with the names of all known priests beast. These names should be public, so that children are protected today. "
Another reason for discontent with the British, the cost of the 4-day visit of the pope: 24 million euro, of which 14 are paid by taxpayers.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
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Living near a source of mercury emissions, such as a coal plant or an incinerator
, increases the risk of spontaneous abortion, fetal malformation and autism in children
Article Dr. Mark Caviglione (from the site
"A recent study by the University of Texas Health Science Center
(San Antonio, Texas, USA) and published in the journal Health & Place-known magazine ,
highlighted the presence of a statistically significant risk
between the amount of mercury emitted from a source of industrial pollution and increased incidence of autism in children
who live in the suburbs.
The results of this research coincide with those of numerous other studies that confirm the high
amount of mercury in plants, animals and humans living near
an emission source of this element. The price that children pay is definitely higher.
In fact, exposure to even extremely low levels of many pollutants such as mercury
, when it occurs during that critical period of formation and development of
nervous system in genetically predisposed individuals, may increase the risk of serious diseases such as autism
to read the article in English in PDF:
.. also another article written by Patrizia Gentilini ISDE President of Forlì:
"I would like to inform readers of the findings of an epidemiological study recently published
(Occup Environ Med 2010, 67, 493-499) conducted in France and on the occurrence of malformations
urinary tract in children born to mothers exposed before conception or very early in the pregnancy to
emissions of waste incineration plants.
The study identified 304 cases of this type of malformations diagnosed during the period 2001 to 2003
in southeastern France, where 21 are active and showed incinerators within 10 km from the source and
exposure to dioxins based on a calculated model of relapse, a risk of malformations
three to almost six times the expected.
that incinerators cause damage are now indisputably recognized, the study of Coriano
port next of the two incinerators Forlì and by now well known to ordinary citizens, have not been investigated, unfortunately
malformations, but among women exposed in the sub-maximal,
the most popular, there was an increased risk of spontaneous abortion 44%.
malformations and spontaneous abortion events are closely related since the latter reflects
sull''embrione the deleterious effects of toxic substances on the fetus and the mother is exposed and that, if no one arrives
abortion, can result in malformations.
However, more study of Coriano is documented in the exposure level and said women only, an increase
admissions for: kidney disease (over 200%), stroke, respiratory infections, heart failure
and an increase in death from cancer (stomach, colorectal, lung, sarcomas, Hodgkin's disease, bladder,
brain, leukemia), and Overall, the whole area examined, there were well over 116 deaths since the
among women in the 13 years examined and within only 3.5 km.
This is not surprising when you consider that in the emissions of these plants, despite the use of appropriate technologies
are still present all kinds of pollutants (particulate matter, heavy metals, dioxins):
poisons remain unabated raising the chimney or increasing the speed the expulsion of toxic fumes and we already have too many!
However, even more interesting of the study, however, is the editorial that appears in the journal in which it is published and where
Prof. David Kriebel of the University of Massachutes says that for years we have been saying in many
namely that these facilities, as well as enter fumes into the atmosphere, produce toxic ash
must be placed somewhere, contribute to global warming and, above all,
prevent the spread of much more virtuous practices such as the reduction, recovery / recycling because a
Once these expensive plants are built, managers want to have a guaranteed source of waste
continues to feed them.
We ordinary citizens will be offered, with the start of curbside collection, a large and unmissable
occasion where this method was applied with reliability has proven to lead immediately to a
considerable reduction of waste and increase the share of recycling: Forlì also be the case,
so it is written in the agreements and we just watch for when the fuel will not seek shortcuts
is to continue to burn. "
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Tuesday, August 31, 2010 18:15
Reported by Dr. Mark Caviglione (from the site
A recent study by the University of Texas Health Science Center (San Antonio, Texas, USA) and published in the journal Health & Place-known magazine, has revealed the presence of a statistically significant risk of the amount of mercury released from an industrial source of pollution and increased incidence of autism in children who live in the suburbs.
Living near a source of mercury emissions, such as a coal plant or an incinerator, increases the risk of autism in children
The results of this research coincide with those of numerous other studies that confirm the high amount of mercury in plants, animals and humans living near an emission source of this element.
The price that children pay is definitely higher.
In fact, exposure to even extremely low levels of many pollutants such as mercury, when it occurs during that critical period of formation and development of the nervous system in genetically predisposed individuals, may increase the risk of serious diseases such as autism
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written by Jozmile site
"receive and publish stressing the urgency with which the news as widely as possible, a statement sent to us by Re.Tu.Va.Sa. (Network for the Protection of Valle del Sacco). On September 17, 2010 at 19:00 in Piazza San Benedetto in Colleferro, IV km in area, the area of \u200b\u200benvironmental groups held a meeting on the Central turbigas be built in Colleferro km in area IV , on the border with the territory of Artena. We enclose a useful project information Colleferro gas turbine and the manifest of the assembly, would be useful to afflict commercial and public spaces of our city. We will do everything to be there but we can not guarantee its absolute certainty. If any of our visitors wanted to take this opportunity to follow the assembly and make a brief statement, please contact us at, we would be truly grateful. We believe that events like this makes the project useful to all citizens and we regret not being able to carry out this task in such an important moment.
Lack of information:
Failure to timely and transparent administration in informing citizens on the design of gas turbines, has prevented the process of democratic participation which is so much talk and never apply. A right to injured citizens. The first news in the media have left no time for Democrats shared paths, nor for possible comments to the project, also preventing access to justice in environmental matters. A blatant violation of the Aarhus Convention (recognized by Italy since March 2001). In this incident shows the extent of the cultural message "of the inevitability of harm" the environment, health and economic development. To resist quest'insana and growing culture, we expose some of the considerations that lead to the reading of project documents and to do that we would have advanced if we had been given the opportunity.
The gas turbine power station will Colleferro is not inserted or the Regional Energy Plan, nor on Provincial, tools for institutional planning in the energy sector. The request, therefore, appears to be attributable solely to the company and without proposing specific guidelines which protect the environment and public health, the risk of turning into a land of conquest Colleferro is high. This plant, in fact, is the third proposed Colleferro, the other two combined-cycle gas turbines have been proposed respectively by Edison - Fiat Energy for 846MW of power and Italgen - Italcementi for an output of 800MW. Information from our firm in 2008, the former has suspended proceedings, the second received a favorable opinion to the EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) but not yet authorized. Then, as now, the exclusion of citizens from environmental choices, confirming a custom. It is worth mentioning that these projects were proposed in the aftermath of 2005, which stated the environmental emergency for the entire "Valley of Poison" in identifying Colleferro the epicenter of the disaster. In the face of sustainability! It would be interesting to review both the documentation of those projects, which we hope will finally fade away, and the opinions issued by the municipality at the time with their expressions of votes of the individual directors.
The motivation of the project is put in close relation to energy requirements / thermal operating in the area of \u200b\u200bthe settlements former SNIA BPD. The company proposing the list them, does not distinguish, however, those in business for those in disuse for years, as the Caffaro, as there was need to be guided by the principle, who abound more scarce. Mention of the need of energy, a company closely linked to the termocancrovalorizzatori that should produce it, has the paradoxical, exposing so ungrateful an axiom that in Colleferro rule for a decade, the use of waste through the production of energy. A sensational goal. It is only in determining which port, if that of the gas turbine, for excessive emphasis on praising the benefits of its implementation, or in the administration who quell'assioma has always exposed as the flagship. However, it is put, the point is to be allocated to the defenders of the environment. In the study, however, remains the lack of objective data of electric and thermal needs. On the thermal side, says only that the gas turbine will have a total capacity of the same order of magnitude of the current, 82 MW from the current 66MW quantifying the difference in about 20%. For us the difference, if math is not opinion, is closer to 25% (66% x 25 = 82.5). This is a detail compared to the electric side, which the company eclipsed by providing percentages and then we do. The gas turbines will produce about 40 MW from the current 3.5 MW, an increase of over 1150%, certainly not a detail, and indeed, as we shall see later, this figure is the heart of the entire project. Comparison
CHP plants combined cycle, are presented as a viable choice than the old oil or coal-fired power plants, as we offer in this comparison, a positive energy balance and environmental sustainability. In this case, we point out that in Colleferro, there is no need to dispose of any system with similar characteristics. The statement also highlights two aspects: the first is obvious, the best available technologies are more efficient than the legacy of the past, the other is linked to the possibility of an objective comparison between different technologies. At this point we note that the settlements on the roofs in the area in question, except for errors, without an installed solar panel, nor, on the ground, there are geothermal systems. These renewable technologies, which represent concrete alternatives in this matter were not considered, as well as opening disturbing questions have prevented the objective comparison of cogeneration and renewables. The priority, in our opinion, is to produce energy through renewable sources to be implemented on existing surfaces to conserve more land and joint strategies to improve efficiency in energy consumption since the property. An order of priority consistent with the current European legislation and a derivative of the member countries. The non-renewable energy sources, should be considered a second choice and methane is a renewable source. This choice is confirmed Colleferro more "capital of hell" after the termocancrovalorizzatori biomass and the system now, even the gas turbine.
Environment and Health: As far
Colleferro healthcare needs no introduction, the critical environmental issues for years untold, emerged in all their drama epidemiological survey conducted in 2005 as a result of the emergency environment. Between asbestos, betaesaclorocicloesano, PM10, dioxin, cancer mortality and morbidity outside the regional average, excess hospitalization in childhood and the poor state of water and air, we wonder how befit the gas turbine project and ethics which may have accompanied its proposal and its approval even worse. The environmental impact assessment reports as the only pollutant emitted nitrogen oxides (NOx), agent such as climate-altering carbon dioxide (CO2), while the contribution is considered irrelevant to the concentration of particulate matter (PM 10). For these technologies, however, we find non-unique views in the scientific community. The gas turbine of Mantua is the Italian example par excellence, despite the commitments the central Enipower project has encountered problems within the legal limits to contain the pollutants emitted, difficulties, and the dust suppression system that uses ammonia, the same proposal to Colleferro instead of dry deemed too expensive. From the data of the study Dr. Armaroli (CNR researcher in Bologna) and Dr. Po (medical unit operational environmental risk of Bologna), these technologies would be less "clean" than thought so far. Confirmation on the harmfulness to health also came from a joint study of University of Trento and Padua on the gas turbine Montecchio Maggiore (Vicenza), which indicates significant emissions of nitrogen oxides, carbon oxides and dust. In light of this, the analysis presented for the emission of gas turbine engines are surface Colleferro, smoky and in need of serious investigation. As for the climate-altering agents (CO2), the study promises to respect, at least theoretically, have not yet chosen the technology, the limits imposed by the Act, which multiplied by the hours of operation system (h 24) will be equal to 340,000 mg / Nm cube per year. The figure, provided it is respected, within limits prescribed by the regulations, but in the absence of a benchmark with which to compare, you can not know whether or not contribute to the improvement than at present. The only certainty there is provided by the study carried out by the company proposing the plant, when he says that the environmental quality (poor defined) will not substantially no change. Without recalling the studies on gas turbine of Mantua and Montecchio Maggiore, whether these effects are, is to be questioned on the effectiveness of the project.
Sustainability or investment?
are the 42 million euro that the banks are willing to invest, anyone who knows their proverbial prudence, is entitled to wonder who or what this amount can be guaranteed. The answer is on page 2 of the study presented by the applicant, which states that the electricity produced in excess will be exported on the open market. In a staff focus the core of the entire project. In other words, the surplus will be sold on the electricity market through the mechanism of green certificates, but there is a further guarantee all Italian anomaly. The green certificates will be withdrawn by the state not seen for a price even higher than the market price. Absurd yet it is so, without going into technical complexity, its guarantee to certain banks and earnings for the gas turbine is provided by our money, all, in fact, we pay a premium of over 7% in the electricity bill (component A3), which are the CIP 6 day old Green Certificates (CV), money that should encourage the energy produced from renewable sources and that instead, so fraudulent, they are used in an unusual way as in the case of Colleferro. Resources paid by citizens and subtracted from renewable sources to go into the pockets of the usual crafty. Banks invest because guaranteed by a reliable and fast return of the loan, the companies offering the certainty of their profits, (interesting would examine the financial plan) and we citizens, as happened in the past, which will also pay the health and environmental damage that will be left.
Every man for himself:
The site identified for the gas turbine is close to a recent settlements in which they reside primarily young couples with small children. For those new residents who do not see the guaranteed protection of their health, it also foreshadows a significant financial loss. Many are busy with costly and long-term loans and the system, which will occupy more than 4 acres with a 40 meter high chimney, we fear will lead to a dead end with no way of escape. Those who try to bring in save at least their children by selling the house, will be met with the difficulty in finding buyers and a property value drastically cut down. Situation aggravated by the existence of the debt. Also, so close that the administrative border with Artena, if the functional gas turbines to avoid a relapse of emissions on population colleferrina torn, portends an ominous future for the artenese. Once again it is confirmed Colleferro exporter of harm, after betaesaclorocicloesano with whom he has polluted land and water of entire villages in the province of Frosinone, now expanding its businesses by focusing on Artena insane. "
Sunday, August 1, 2010
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The 68enne Dino Cinel wanted at home after years in the U.S. where he was discovered with child pornography
PADOVA (July 30) - The town of Cittadella (Padua) refusing to grant residency to a former priest accused of pedophilia in the eighties when worked in the diocese of New Orleans . The no
was formalized by the mayor Massimo Bitonci , Parliamentary League, to Dino Cinel 68 years of Rossano Veneto that after years overseas wants to return to Italy. Bitonci described the former priest 'persona non grata "by collecting a chorus of approval that also includes fellow Rossano Veneto.
Cinel was a priest in the parish of Santa Rita in the town on the Mississippi in 1988 after 23 years abandoned the habit of priesthood going to teach at Tulane University before then to Staten Island in New York. Her name became notorious in the U.S. when he found out a journalistic investigation into possession of child pornography unequivocal photographic footage.
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(ANSA) - Cittadella (Padova), 30 LUG - The City of Citadel denied residence in a former priest accused of pedophilia in the eighties.
At that time the then work in the parish priest of Santa Rita in New Orleans. The no and 'was formalized by the mayor Massimo Bitonci, MP League, Dino Cinel 68 years of Rossano Veneto, which wants to return after years overseas in Italy. The name of Cinel U.S. became infamous when you find out a journalistic investigation 'in possession of clear video and photographic material containing child pornography.
Monday, June 28, 2010
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"No immunity for the Vatican"
The Supreme Court puts the Pope in check: although mostly Catholics, the Constitutional Court of the United States paved the way for a lawsuit that could theoretically take the stand witnesses Benedict XVI and the heads of the Holy See and the Vatican to force compensation millionaires.
deciding not to consider the request of the Vatican on the case "Anonymous against the Holy See" the courts have postponed the decision to a court in Oregon if the Vatican should incur liability for the actions of pedophile priests. The abuses at the center of the case date back to 1965. The priest in question, Andrew Ronan, died in 1992.
The Vatican had asked the Court to exempt the Holy See from the trial by invoking sovereign immunity granted to foreign states under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act of 1976, the preserve on which it was expressed welcomed the Obama administration.
This law provides for exceptions: one of these is aimed at employees of a foreign state. The Court of Appeal, in the "Anonymous against the Holy See, had accepted the plea acknowledging that Father Ronan was transferred several times in the fifties and sixties from Ireland to Chicago and then to Portland, could this be considered an employee Vatican.
"The action of the Supreme Court is a bold answer to the prayers of thousands of victims of sexual harassment of priests who finally have a chance of justice," said Jeff Anderson, a lawyer who accuses the Holy See on behalf of a man who asked to remain anonymous and who claims he was molested by Ronan when he was 15.
Disappointed Jeffrey Lena, an attorney of the Holy See would have preferred to be acknowledged that the immunity level of the Supreme Court. According to Lena, however, today's decision "does not mean that we were in error in the interpretation of the law. The courts of Washington have estimated that the case, for now, did not deserve to be examined at their level. They would not choose this case as a vehicle to clarify the law on this point. "
"Anonymous against the Holy See" is now returning to the Court District of Oregon and the discussion will concentrate Ronan was on the theory that an official of the Vatican. An argument "untenable", according to Lena, "The Holy See does not pay the salary of the priest, neither its board nor exercises daily control on his work. Ronan was a priest of the Order of Friar Servants of Mary. Its very existence was unknown to the Vatican until after the events in question. "
The lawsuit will travel a path parallel to another cause, "McBryan against the Holy See," in which lawyers have accused the Vatican asked him to bring the Pope to the bar. This week Lena opposed the request by calling the immunity law and arguing that a witness the Pope in a U.S. court "would encourage foreign courts to order the depositions of the President of the United States in cases such as those of the CIA renditions," the secret transfers of terrorism suspects after the September 11 massacres
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Pedophilia, Court: "No comment on" use of
The U.S. Supreme Court, in deciding not to comment on the appeal in the case of Oregon "Anonymous against the Holy See ", has removed the last obstacle to the civil trial Vatican of a case of child abuse in Oregon. According the first interpretation, the courts have recognized that the Holy See can be considered civilly liable for the actions of pedophile priests. The judges have accompanied the "no" consideration of the case without giving reasons.
The Court decided not to stop the lawsuit in which the Vatican is accused of repeatedly transferred to an Irish priest from city to city despite repeated instances of sexual molestation of minors.
The appeal to the Court was brought by the Holy See that it is demanding the right to sovereign immunity: this right, which had expressed welcome the Obama administration, was rejected over several levels of courts and ultimately by the Court of Appeal in Sacramento.
The priest at the center of the case, the Rev. Andrew Ronan, died. The lawsuit considers the Vatican shared responsibility for its abuses having moved from Ireland to Chicago and then to Portland, despite being aware of the charges against him.
lawyer of the victims: "A chance to justice"
"The Court's action is a response to the prayers of thousands of survivors of sexual harassment of priests who have a chance to finally have justice." Said Jeff Anderson, a lawyer accused the Vatican in the case 'against the Holy See Anonymous' in The Supreme Court has agreed to be considered. "We thank the judges - he added - for the courage with which they have let the lawsuit go forward. Finally there is a chance of justice, there is a chance to close the wounds."
Office of the Vatican: "We are in the right"
Jeffrey Lena, a lawyer of the Holy See would have preferred to resolve the issue at the Supreme Court, "but today's decision does not mean that we were wrong in ' interpretation of the law. " Lena said that at this point the Obama administration had given reason to the Vatican: "The courts of Washington have estimated that the case did not deserve to be examined at their level for now. "
Saturday, June 19, 2010
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Since June 1994, when the pedophile priest Brendan Smith was sentenced to four years in prison for sexual abuse of children in Northern Ireland followed three reports of abuse made child sex, children in the hands of Catholic clergy in Irish schools and institutes:
-October 2005 , the Ferns Report is a series of details of sexual abuse of children very broad, which indicates that in 'Ireland (south-east) commit acts of pedophilia.
-November 2005 , Judge Yvonne Murphy has been appointed head of a committee of investigation for child sexual abuse within the Diocese of Dublin which ended recently.
-May 2009, the report Rayan enter the specifics of the sexual abuse occurred in the orphanages and schools run by Catholic religious orders that involved the whole state.
the Dublin Archdiocese Commission of Inquiry Report LINK File site
Cover Appendices (PDF - 163Kb)
Dublin Commission welcomes the publication of his report Link in the original language
The Archdiocese of Dublin Commission of Inquiry welcomes the imminent publication of his report on the management of child sexual abuse of clergy in the diocese of Dublin in the period 1975 to 2004.
The Commission began its work at the end of March 2006 and published its report to the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform in July 2009. The Commission regrets that, due to circumstances beyond its control, you can not get the entire report released at this time. As can be seen from the Judgement of Judge Gilligan issued November 19, decisions were made by the DPP, after the report is been delivered to the Minister and such decisions could not be taken into account by the Commission in its report.
The Commission is aware that a number of people will be disappointed to discover that, due to the recent instructions of the Supreme Court, the parties of the report that concern them are not published. The Commission seeks to ensure that those that publication will be created as this is a requirement of the legislation that governs all the Commissions of Inquiry. The Commission acknowledges that the complainants in question are likely to suffer the biggest disappointment. However, it should be noted that there are also people in Church and State authorities on which the actions of a complete picture is not available because of these exclusions.
For three and a half years, the Commission is in possession of highly sensitive information that has guarded carefully. It is a matter of great regret to the Commission, therefore, that the report, or parts of it were leaked in a newspaper last weekend. The Commission believes that those responsible for the loss clearly did not take into account the hardship that its partial publication might cause to the complainants and those whose actions are examined in the report.