In Verona Italian victims of pedophile priests have found themselves in the first public meeting of the "Guilt". A report the abuse, many of the more than 70 victims of priests and educators for the deaf dell'Istututo Provolo, but also people from all over Italy.
The Italian victims of pedophile priests for the first time you meet a Verona in the first public meeting of "negligence" . To denounce the abuse many of the more than 70 victims of priests and educators for the deaf dell'Istututo Provolo of Verona. The college, run by religious, 50s at least until the end of the year '80 was the scene of abuse and violence of every kind on boys and girls. A spiral of violence that has also affected the curia Verona.
with their testimony, however, was also attended by people abused as children in Liguria, Milan, Ancona and in many other parts of Italy. Many of them had families distracted or almost non-existent shoulders. For other parishes, Catholic schools, Scouts, or the activities organized by the Church closer to home was the only moment of fun or the only way to grow in an environment that parents thought were safe. And often, despite having spoken children, have not been heard or not believed by their parents or by the ecclesiastical authorities.
For all there is the need for strong, to be heard, even after several years when the crimes are often prescribed - in Italy crimes leagti èedofilia to decay after 10 years-and to reveal what happened to them. But most are struggling because pedophilia within the Church and also in the Italian society is exposed. "We call that pedophilia in the Church is considered a crime against humanity," said Salvatore Domolo , a former priest and victim of abuse, in turn, by a first rteligioso to enter the seminary. "All over the world, children have been abused with the complicity of the bishops who they knew and were limited to move priests pedophiles from parish to parish to avoid scandal." Even if so, in fact, have made them easier to get in touch with potential child victims.
There is a lot of emotion when talking Alda, 58, "Marcellino Pane e Vino" the kimono as the Sisters of the Institute Provolo. For her, the violence started shortly before the first communion with her friends when she was forced to go to confession every week. And in these moments the priest abused them. So much so that in 15 years when it finally was released by the institute, was "almost a single mother without even knowing how it had been possible." A story shared by many of his classmates. But these terrible events is not unique to the institution for the deaf in Verona. They are much more common than you might imagine. The more than 40 emails sent to internet of "Guilt" by people who did not felt to participate in the event the witness.
The next step for "negligence" is involved - the victims of religious pedophiles around the world - a demonstration in Rome on October 31 . Then this group of people who are building will be structured and follow the victims of abuse at both the psychological and legal possibilities, including the use of class action.
CNRmedia - 25/09/2010
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