Dublin, December 17 (AP) - The Vatican tribunal of the Roman Rota prevented the diocese of Dublin to the lay state to reduce a serial pedophile priest Tony Walsh, and only with the intervention of John Paul II and the then Cardinal Ratzinger, the Vatican accepted it. Meanwhile, the priest came to rape a boy in the bathroom of a pub at the end of a funeral. And 'what emerges from the last chapter of a study on pedophilia in the clergy in Ireland.
In recent months the Pope has accepted the report's findings made by the Ministry of Justice Murphy in a letter to the Irish Catholics in admitting the faults of the Irish Church. Benedict XVI has accepted the resignations of several bishops in Ireland and has sent an apostolic visitation that will conclude the first part of the work at Easter.
The chapter of the report on Murphy to Father Walsh was not published until now because the priest was still on trial. Walsh, now 56, was sentenced to 12 years in prison. The prosecutor found that, when he was a priest in the diocese of Dublin, from 1978 to 1996, he molested hundreds of boys and girls, luring even the pretext of musical parish in which he imitated Elvis Presley.
Over the years, was also moved from one parish to another to avoid scandal. In 1993, finally, the then Archbishop of Dublin Desmond Connell organized an ecclesiastical trial that ended with the reduction by dismissal from the clerical state of Walsh, who, however, appealed to the court of the Roman Rota and won. Desmond asked, at that point, the intervention of Pope John Paul II and finally received a letter from Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, in January 1996, informing them that Walsh was finally defrocked.
The current archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin, has welcomed the survey results, claiming that Welsh should never be ordained a priest and that the Irish Church has sinned during the years of arrogance.
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