Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fran Gerard Babeleweb

"The pedophilia of priests is a crime against ' humanity "


I L IF. At the Gran Guardia found themselves some of the people abused in childhood Domolo: "The whole international community must do the steps" A victim: "It's not a matter of faith but a fact of civilization"

The faith has nothing to do. "Who has it and keeps it certainly can help you move forward," they insisted. About talking to the audience, who communicate in sign language but all have struggled, betrayed by emotion and an embarrassment mitigated only by the fact that they were talking about a horror that had involved most of those present and that finally, after years of silence, the courage to describe touching, fondling dirty, bullying and sexual abuse by priests was the deliverance from a nightmare.

not solve their problems, but the desire to find the correct channel in which to include adolescence damaged, that damage has been reported that yesterday before an audience reduced to forty, perhaps fifty people, held in a room of Gran Guardia.

"The strength to speak in front of others is what was missing before when we could not utter a cry. The deaf do not have courage to speak, the problem is the communication of the deaf. I come from Milan, I was in college, my release was a secular master hearing, not a priest, "said the language of gestures with a gentleman of Milan.

A wound that does not heal anyone ever, but public speaking is liberating and to their courage yesterday were the enlargement of articles that appeared in newspapers and on complaints and investigation of sexual abuse by priests in other countries. The courage to speak and the knowledge that in Italy, despite the hardness of Pope Benedict XVI to condemn the incidents of pedophilia that took place in the shadow of the towers, only now something is moving. But what about the alumni of the deaf Provolo many years have passed. And the complaint, public about what happened within the walls of the institution in a few days will result in a joint committee made up of deaf and representatives of the Curia who will be responsible for collecting the testimonies of those who were abused by priests (some still alive) and siblings laity. Moreover, reports are sent to Rome, the Vatican.

not about faith, has to do with dignity, the denial of adolescence and the problems related to abuse by those who made those children was a guide, a man in a cassock. The association of alumni of the Institute for the Deaf Provolo initiated the first meeting in Italy did so by collecting the request of two families of Brescia (the parents of two girls aged six years abused by a priest) who asked for the cooperation and support of non-profit organization. Of this and no other because in January 2008 made public the stories of repeated sexual abuse suffered by children and continue to work with deaf priests and lay brothers who formed the body of educators.
They did yesterday, once children are grown men, some with white hair, but one by one they approached the microphone and looking into the eyes of the public broke his silence because of shame and fear, voiced the suffering for years has gone to bed with them and that someone has resulted in the waiving of having children for fear they could become victims of abuse.

"The international community must do his steps to ask for the declaration of a crime against humanity for the sexual abuse by priests," explains Salvatore Domolo, autosospesosi as a priest in 2005, "sbattezzato" last year, with a memory sexual abuse by a priest between 8 and 11 years.

is the referent of the "blame" that attended the Great Guard and a supporter of an international declaration because, said one of the aspects of pedophilia of priests has not only the vast number "in the U.S. cases about 5,000 are full-blown in Italy is more difficult, for the moment a hundred, but for this meeting, we received about fifty e-mail, "but also" the vastness Region: North so far has spoken of the world, what happens when Third World countries have the courage to come out? ".

And we add "the active complicity of the Church who knew everything and move the pawns, the pedophile priest was sent to Rome and the case was resolved. There was only the repeated abuse, is not that we have watched recently: it is that we did everything because he hid. "


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