dark chocolate souffle with surprise GLUTEN FREE
INGREDIENTS: 100g plain chocolate-
-100g sugar 30g cocoa powder 60g butter
yolks -2
-a-like 1 small ripe pear
-sugar-sweetened whipped cream
non-liquid qbmiele
beat egg whites until soft dough becomes a solid. put aside in a large bowl the egg yolks with the sugar and beat with a whisk as to make the zabaglione until the mixture is lightened and omogeneo.unire the egg whites with the yolks mounted.
melt in a bain-marie (or microwave) the chocolate with the butter without boiling and then incorporate the above mixture and mix well. place the cocoa powder and mix.
cut the pear into small pieces and insert someone in the small compound.
pour into molds or silicone portion in a single large. If the molds are not silicone grease and flour.
bake in preheated oven for 10min at 230 degrees. open the oven after about 5 minutes to complete cooking.
are good both hot and cold.
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