Monday, February 28, 2011

Fakku Power Ranger Manga

raisin bars

In the kitchen I go to term, there are times when all I do is bake cakes and others, like this, so when I get close to the oven first thought lies on the biscuits.
I had advanced from raisins this recipe and I decided to make these cookies ... I think it may well served with a cup of tea, flavored with vanilla, if ever!
With this dose, I have had about 15 bars 2x10cm, but of course you can do it in any form!

raisin bars

Makes about 15 cookies:
250g of flour 125g cold butter
70g sugar
1 + 1 egg yolk
100gr raisins 1 tablespoon milk
1 teaspoon sugar

Mix the flour with the cold butter into small pieces until the mixture is crumbly and lay in a heap. In the center add the sugar, raisins and egg beaten previously. Mix together until mixture is compact and let rest in refrigerator for 30 minutes.
take the dough and roll out with rolling pin until about 2 cm thick and cut it 15 fingers.
Now mix the yolks with the sugar and milk and gently brush the cookies. Place them on a plate lined with baking paper and cook at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes.

Friday, February 25, 2011

How Much Can Corn Removal Surgery Cost?

The trial for the abuses at the orphanage of St. Joseph has not yet been completed.


Benedict XVI met with a delegation in April. "But since then nothing has changed"

of DAVID CARLUCCI LONDON - The letter written in Italian have pidgin , contaminated from English, which still is spoken in Malta. But the message addressed to the Pope, is clear: "We find ourselves very disappointed because these priests today still roam the streets dressed as priests." The victims of abuse with which Benedict XVI prayed in April during his pastoral visit to the archipelago in the middle of the Mediterranean refer to heads of violence: in spite of the apologies and tears of Ratzinger, the men are still in place. "Why the Church in Malta still protects these scandals? Why do priests have admitted in 2003 and everything goes on as if nothing had happened?".

Everything is the same as before, say former students of the orphanage of Santa Venera, once forced to dress like a woman or to indulge in the night, the sexual perversions of the priests.

firmness of the Pope - December 20, speaking to the Roman Curia, has again lashed out against the abuses committed by priests, who "under the sacred mantle of deeply damaged human being in its infancy and bear damage to all life "- over the Strait of Sicily do not get that faint echoes. The criminal proceedings against the priests, after seven years, has not yet been completed.

And in these days a lawyer who assists the priest in charge, Gianella Caruana Curran, lodged an application to the Maltese Constitutional Court challenging the "media overexposure" of their clients, not yet considered: a legal artifice, a completed investigation to take time in view of the above. After the Pope's visit, in fact , the priests continued to proclaim himself innocent in court, although in the first interrogation they admitted to police. It is not even started, however, the ecclesiastical trial.

Yet "investigatio after", the internal investigation conducted by the "Response Team" of the Maltese Curia following cases of pedophilia, has already been completed, as explained in a letter sent to victims in October, the missionaries of St. Paolo, the order in which those accused priests, Charles Pulis, Conrad Sciberras (transferred later in Italy, Lazio Albano) and Joe Bonnet. The letter explains that she took the precaution of not letting the priests in contact with children. As for the accusations are well founded and that is why we sent the documents to Rome. "

But abuse victims do not dispute Benedict XVI. Instead, they return to thank him for taking the time has mostly during their visit to the island. And upon him: "We are still suffering and we have no justice after seven years. Please help us you, we ask a lot." The fear of Lawrence Grech, one of the six signatories of the appeal, is that eventually their cases end up being buried.

"In Malta, the Church, political power and the judiciary are one thing - he says - so true that a minister has failed in court to testify in favor of priests. Few, even in opposition, they want to defend ourselves: the people are very religious and priests are afraid to touch. But we can not forget. And even to talk with our children. "

Their letter was also in the hands Monsignor Charles Scicluna, promoter of justice of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Catholic faith by Ratzinger delegated to deal with cases of child abuse.

Scicluna, also Maltese, but prefers to refrain from comment. But barely manages to hide the "humiliation" for the grueling times at which the case was treated by the authorities and the Curia of his nation. A slow pace that threatens to nullify all the efforts of Benedict XVI to clean inside the church, feeding the frustrations of the victims.

(08 January 2011)

Too Much Red Wine And Palpitations

morbid attention, pastor sentenced


Clamor The episode aroused considerable confusion among the faithful

Chianche. A priest involved in the resort next to the capital, belonging to the diocese of Benevento , was sentenced to two years and four months, with the ritual of bargaining, for attempting sexual advances towards a woman who not only had accepted the proposals the priest, but he had denounced.

The pastor, a religious community from foreign , allegedly had gone to the home of a seriously ill woman, and not in terms of going to church for communion somministragli. On that occasion he urged a relative of the sick woman with a series of approaches evaluated by the court of a sexual nature.

She had rejected the attentions of the morbid religious, causing it to leave hastily from the house. The episode, which has aroused considerable confusion in public opinion, has not gone quietly. Woman victim of indecent attentions had in fact submitted the complaint. Hence the initiation of the investigation by the judicial Sunni, arrived in the acquisition of physical evidence. It followed the trial. Yesterday morning the hearing before the Court of Benevento Gup Pezza.

The pastor, defended by Montefusco, has represented his position. The victim of attention has claimed damages. The sentence was reduced whereas the choice of defense attorney, called the defendant, to appeal the settlement. The case could now be followed in civil, with the definition of compensation to the victim of the episode.

morbid attention against a woman convicted priest

Wednesday, January 12, 2011 7:58

morbid attention, advances explicit: Sentenced pastor. This is a priest belonging to the diocese of Benevento. The incident occurred in Chianciano, but came from a religious community at large to the small town of Irpinia. The preliminary hearing judge of the court of Benevento sentenced him to two years and eight months. Ruling that came after the request for settlement by the pastor. According to the submissions by the prosecution, the priest went to the home of a seriously ill woman to administer communion. Here

addressed a series of special considerations with respect to a relative who rejected the advances of the parish priest in a vehement to the point of inducing him to depart hastily from the house. The woman filed suit. After investigating the case, the religious was also indicted. Woman victim of indecent proposals have claimed damages in the process.

12/01/2011: 9:12:16
Sexual Harassment on a woman: the negotiated sentence for a priest

The Court of Benevento

audience yesterday morning at the court of Benevento, in the preliminary hearing judge Segio Pezza, against a pastor of 48 anniaccusato of alleged sexual molestation of a woman . The negotiated sentence was suspended and then two years and four months.

Why Does My Lip Piercing Have A Big Bump Inside

"How long do you still want to keep sheep?"


If time is spread layer upon layer of paint, sooner or later this crack and fall apart. The question is when? When the clever juxtaposition of phony news reports to hide the true facts will show the last chord in the country of clever fake? Mah .. Meanwhile, other countries, the important facts retain their place in the press and on TV. How long have you here with us in the sand is the enormity of the pedophile priests? Why? Perhaps the answer, indirectly, gives the Tagesspiegel, the article which I enclose the translation . ( JFPadova )
words clear. Matthias Katsch, 47, graduated from Canisius-Kollegs, among other things studied Political Science and Theology. He works as a trainer in Management. The dictatorship of the State of the Church and the strict sexual morality has changed little public debate. Matthias Katsch was himself a victim of sexual abuse at Canisius College. You assess the situation one year after the scandal of sexual abuse.

The Catholic Church in Germany is confronted with issues related to the sex scandal? This damage may already have answers? Unfortunately, things do not seem so far come to that. It seems that the victims, uncomfortable, disturbing only. Until now, the bishops did not respond to a request by the victims of a direct dialogue.

In essence the debate, we are looking anxious to avoid, should be geared to three aspects, which depend on each other inside: the form of law of the Church, its doctrine on sexuality and glue that holds it all together: money. Said the old way is therefore of obedience, chastity and poverty - and use distorted, that the Hierarchy go on to practice these virtues in order to maintain power.

The Catholic Church has already long been a spiritual dictatorship of clerics, a mostly benevolent monarchy, which is based on this or that court jester.

With this organization it has become very old. Of course there were and there are currents within the Church: left, liberal, ultraconservative and among the broad mainstream. These currents at the end we have nothing to communicate to the layman, if the hierarchy decides. In its absolutist centralism

the Church in the modern world is an anachronism, and for some it represents at the same time something fascinating.

without resistance, The sheep are to bear all that comes from

is also true that this rule by the clergy for a long time would come to an end if the majority of Catholics did not stand it worked in silence. Not always agreeing, but generally without offering any resistance, the sheep are to bear all that comes from above, keep to themselves and allow their thoughts to the Pope in Rome to go to a good man. Dominated by a culture of "as if". We act as if we were to follow your doctrine, and you behave as if you did not know at all that we do not. For decades, things go on like this.

Urge comparison.

How mummified before 1989 in dictatorships of Eastern Europe, in the most private of believers does not follow the prescription of church ministry, especially for questions concerning the personal conduct of life, such as contraception, masturbation, premarital sex, homosexuality, but also on issues such as ecumenism.

However, they do not oppose it openly, than refer to their personal conscience. And bishops and priests behave as if they did not know anything and are happy obedience simulated until the contradiction becomes apparent.

Yet this arrangement between the high and low in the Catholic Church is not as harmless as would appear. In fact, the mainstream Catholics tolerate the violence that the Church uses against its critics.

This is not meant only metaphorically, because there are real victims, but inside the church of which one can not speak. Not only theologians, still renowned for their sound even if the subject of punitive measures, which lose their work [ndt.: eg, Luigi Lombardi Vallauri, driven by the Catholic University of Milan, for having expressed opinions are not aligned on the papal Magisterium - in general, see, inter alia: http://avalonra.altervista. org / ], but for example, hundreds of children of priests, only in Germany. They are maintained by the Church as long remain hidden and their mothers are willing to remain in the dark. Then there are the many homosexuals in the church concealed, which should now become the scapegoats for the sex crimes of the clergy, by now obvious.

sexual aversion is the most important weapon Hierarchy in the struggle for power in the Church. Even if we behave differently, the perpetual threat of pastors sermon provokes in many of the faithful a sense of bad conscience. This helps to keep them under control. Even within the hierarchy of the many difficulties with respect to the celibacy of the clergy are used as disciplinary tools.

Priests have children, have women priests, the priests were men, priests abusing children as compensation for an unlived sexuality or not livable. All this is happening, but held out the highest ideal of abstinence and 'sexuality without sex. "

For this is our principle is perfect for a transnational organization, which is held together by the absolute loyalty of his paintings. In this way the Church is today the largest transnational organization of gays around the world, something to which a Jesuit in 2005 drew his attention, despite the Church for homosexuality is considered a sin.

a moral so there is more than double. And this is not surprising if you look beyond dell'orticello German: in many countries around the world, the Roman Church is a refuge for the oppressed and persecuted homosexuals. No annoying if these men do not marry, none critically analyze their love for music, for the beautiful art, to clothes and perfumes. As members of the clergy, they are treated with great respect, cherished, important and often powerful.

Celibacy claims too many men

The price they must pay, is the rejection of their hypocritical nature. Marital relationships between men and women have lived an evil, homosexuality hidden, locked, or silenced is tolerated. These servants of the Church are the most trusted of trust. They deny themselves, take even part of the demonization of sexuality, that they have suffered as intolerable, and thereby stabilize the dictatorship of the Hierarchy.

that now they are ridiculed for the actions committed by their colleagues in predominantly heterosexual, who have downloaded their immature sexuality on young victims, is a sad end result. Several times

also dismissing the thought of many Catholics that the aversion to sexuality, the double standards and the organizational forms of the Church, including celibacy, are intimately linked and may have to do with the hundreds of crimes of sexual abuse within ecclesiastical institutions, now become result. So

church doctrine on sexuality has paved the way for offenders to turn their victims. The exaggerated esprit de corps of the hierarchy has also prevented the abusers would put a brake on it, much less that they were delivered to criminal justice authorities. The Church is the organizing principle of subordination. Along with the renunciation of sexuality that allows the domain of a few hundred men out of 400,000 priests and one billion believers. In return for their loyalty to the summit of the Church is protecting its employees, if they are in difficulties.
celibacy so overloaded many men.

So an offender of celibacy within the church world can count on a lot of sympathy and understanding, even among the faithful and of course your colleagues who are struggling even on the same front. Thus, crimes of sexual abuse of children are intended primarily as guilty of sins against his religious vow.

In this respect, the victims were not really taken into account. The guilt of the victims are even more reinforced by the sexual doctrine of the Church. Later these feelings of guilt ensure that victims remain silent for a long time. They feel guilty. So the circle closes.

The thriving economic situation of the Church corrupts

Beyond that comes the glue that holds everything together: money. The members of the orders only formally promise poverty. Clergy and hierarchy have often put aside this ideal. Nevertheless, the flourishing economic situation of the Church is corrupting. Payment of civil society and the contributions of so many sheep, collected by the state, are mainly used to maintain the sign of power within the Church. No member of the Church can have their say on the use of money collected.
organizations for social, often attributed to the Church such as Caritas, working the same way as modern business enterprises and have nothing to do with the contributions of the faithful. As a rule, more than 90 percent of these costs are paid directly by the State Government. The same goes for church hospitals, for schools, retirement homes for the elderly.

Those, however, that should be addressed to the Christian charity are lost sight of: rather than to the real poor and needy, charitable offerings are geared mostly to middle and upper social strata. This is not only far from the Beatitudes of the New Testament, but in a modern state is simply useless. Homelessness, AIDS, refugees receive in only a very small proportion of the attention of the Church and its financial resources.

The commitment of many individual fighters in this area should be held in high regard, but is not likely to influence the perception that in Germany there is the Catholic Church.

listen and get involved rather than minimize and deny

And now come the victims of sexual violence in institutions and schools and ask for money to the church as compensation for their suffering and compensation for their ruined lives.

However, as the Church responds to that Son of Man who said: "Blessed are the poor? Blocks, barricades made. At the same time points out that to compensate victims could not be used tax money for the Church [ndt. In Germany the church tax is paid individually and in person who claims to belong to a church, both Catholic and Protestant or other]. Why not? The contributions of the faithful, are they not intended for support of their Church? And this Church has totally failed? Hierarchy, he has silenced the scandal, and the faithful, because they allowed the Hierarchy left to do? They should also now deal with the consequences?

Last year they met twice in Berlin, the 'Eckiger Tisch [ndt.: A group of victims of abuse by Jesuit], victims of sexual abuse and representatives of the Jesuit Order, including which the provincial manager in the '70s and its current successor. They listened and asked questions for six hours with the victims, who reported on the injuries suffered and of the failed attempts to find time listening.

This difficult comparison was a historically significant for the way in which the Church could talk: listen and get involved instead of minimize and deny.
Yet the Church in general dialogue about the issues touched on here has so far refused. Hierarchy and the faithful instead only touch the issue. As Easter Sunday 2010, when the whole world expected a word of clarification of the Pope about abuse cases and instead the head of the College of Cardinals to the Pope assured the unconditional loyalty of the hierarchy and defined the debate about the abused children as "Cianci of the moment. "

how long they want to let the Catholics present such things from their personal summit? When you finally say: "Enough"?

As long as believers, and outside the Church, in real life, they behave as adults and citizens of the state aware of its responsibility, while within the Church if they are not like sheep grown to adulthood, the pious dictatorship continues.

The Bachelorette Upskirt

National Group, "negligence"


Contact: Francesco Zanardi tel.392 7030000 - Thomas Era tel.348 8943924 - Marco Lodi Rizzini tel. 348 4200949

continues the proposed meeting between the victims (and their families) who have been raped by a consecrated Catholic church or other churches. As decided during the first meeting in Verona Italian national, has chosen to change the meeting place at each show, to give an impression of the event throughout the country, a testimony to date right there, where they are consumed crimes the clergy. In the meeting of the Board that was held in Milan on 7 January 2011, Savona was chosen as location for the spring meeting May 14.

A very important witness because of the recent cases of pedophilia that our city has been very important also the modus operandi of the meetings of clergy and priests, which is known to Savona and very clear, is an important record for us Italians we fight over the territory affected by the clergy, but also for foreign associations will be working, because it reveals the mechanisms that in reality, the Church uses in the world to cover up the crimes of the clergy.

The meeting will last all day and will be divided into different parts, at 8.30 we will be meeting behind closed doors among the victims of abuses or their relatives, also the worst victims of the Italian case, that of ' Catholic Institute for deaf Provolo Antonio di Verona, which alone has more than 100 victims, the victims of the local and will be working from different European countries. At about 10.30 hrs there will be a brief press conference to present after the day's program, will begin the actual meeting, open to the public.

During the day, we have not yet determined the exact order but we will discuss the following points; The psychological trauma of abuse by priests, the legal issues of clerical pedophilia, are expected psychologists and lawyers. 13-hour lunch break of an hour to start at 14 when we will discuss the specific case of Savona, will exhibit the famous recordings and the testimony, not only of the victims. At about 15.30 there will be a meeting between the Italian-European associations and parliamentarians have already acted in Verona, to consider the proposal for a parliamentary commission of inquiry against the church for crimes against humanity.

The meeting will end at 18 with a short press conference, during which journalists will interview the gentlemen who will be willing to make statements. It was chosen because this formula during the meeting, even if the doors will be open to the press, for reasons of privacy and protection of victims will not be able to take footage or photographs. Given the presence of deaf and dumb people in the audience will be different interpreters.

Coordinator Francesco Zanardi.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wordpress Warrior Cats Name Generator

dark chocolate mousse (no dairy and gluten free)

dark chocolate mousse (no dairy and gluten free)

Ingredients: 150g dark chocolate-

eggs -2 teaspoons rum or coffee liqueur or brandy (optional)

Preparation: Dissolve
the chocolate in a bain-marie or microwave without boiling. add the liqueur and stir. add egg yolks one at a time and stir each time. Whip the egg whites until stiff and incorporate the chocolate mixture gently. Pour the mousse into a or more bowls / serving bowls. x allow to cool at least two hours in the refrigerator before serving.

I Came On My Moms Boobs

smoothie fresh pear with cinnamon and dusted with cocoa

smoothie fresh pear with cinnamon and dusted with cocoa

Dune Buggy Plans One Seat

dark chocolate mousse
Ingredients: 200g plain chocolate-

-50g butter-cream 100g icing sugar 25g-

eggs Preparation:
whip the egg whites and then add the egg yolks with sugar and cream. mix.
melt in a bain-marie or microwave the chocolate with the butter without boiling. combine the chocolate with the butter to the previous compound. mix well.
pour into small bowls x also good to serve the dessert table. X
cool in the refrigerator at least two hours before serving.
is great if you enjoy it accompanied by a cat's tongue or a dry sparkling wine.

Chicken Pox Virus Life Period

souffle with dark chocolate mousse with a surprise GLUTEN FREE

dark chocolate souffle with surprise GLUTEN FREE
INGREDIENTS: 100g plain chocolate-

-100g sugar 30g cocoa powder 60g butter
yolks -2
-a-like 1 small ripe pear

-sugar-sweetened whipped cream
non-liquid qbmiele

beat egg whites until soft dough becomes a solid. put aside in a large bowl the egg yolks with the sugar and beat with a whisk as to make the zabaglione until the mixture is lightened and omogeneo.unire the egg whites with the yolks mounted.
melt in a bain-marie (or microwave) the chocolate with the butter without boiling and then incorporate the above mixture and mix well. place the cocoa powder and mix.
cut the pear into small pieces and insert someone in the small compound.
pour into molds or silicone portion in a single large. If the molds are not silicone grease and flour.
bake in preheated oven for 10min at 230 degrees. open the oven after about 5 minutes to complete cooking.
are good both hot and cold.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Drill Master Battery 18v

Baci di Dama

These cookies back on Valentine's Day, I made them for my boyfriend since I'm his favorite.
I baci di dama not they certainly need no introduction, the biscuits are really good and we must do so in small doses because one leads to another!
On the web I have seen many recipes, some of which use only almonds or hazelnuts ... I I use them both!
If you have not eaten yet (Quite rare), try them and do not regret it!

Baci di dama

for 45/50 biscuits Ingredients:
100g of flour 100g cold butter
70g sugar 50g almonds
50g of hazelnuts
100g of dark chocolate

Finely chop the almonds and nuts with a little 'sugar so you do not release their oil.
Working quickly flour and sugar, the mixture of almonds and hazelnuts and the cold butter into small pieces, until the mixture is smooth (the dough should be like a pastry) and put it in the refrigerator for at least half an hour.
To try to have the same lady's kisses, roll out the dough to a thickness of about 5 mm and with a biscuit cutter cut out a number which then will be rolled into a ball.
At this point you have to kiss the lady on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and let them back in the fridge for about 2 hours so that during the cooking process does not sag.
Cook Lady's Kisses for 15-20 minutes in oven at 170 degrees and then let them cool on a wire rack.
Melt in a double boiler (or microwave) and dark chocolate, using a spoon, disponetene a bit 'on the flat side of cookie, then cover with another cookie to obtain the classical form of the Lady's Kisses.
When the chocolate has congealed lady's kisses are ready!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Difference Between Regular And Xl Condoms


you place today another milestone this Italian pastry .... Baba in the cake version, and then ... the Savarin. Recipe by chef Luca Montersino.

For the dough 500 g flour 400 W (PS)

200 g butter 50 g butter, granulated
27.5 g yeast 10 g salt

500g whole egg

For the syrup: 2 gallons of water

750 g caster sugar 275 g of lemon cardamom

2.5 g 10 g of lemon peel

To finish
300 grams of custard
150 grams of cream semimontata
some red fruit jelly

For the dough to baba ': mixed in with the global leaf flour, baking powder and sugar. United half of the eggs and when the dough will be 'hard enough to gradually add the remaining eggs. When the dough comes away from the global networks add the butter to cream and finally the salt. Savarin molds quest'impasto filled with half-height and let rise for 2 hours. Then bake at 160 degrees for 25-30 'about depends on the height of the mold from the oven, you acknowledge that it is ready when you form a nice brown crust and comes away from side walls

Meanwhile prepare the syrup: Heat water and qando is about to boil add sugar, cardamom and lemon. (You can change or add spices to your liking)

savarin When cold dip in the hot bath will be more 'times by up to both sides to get wet even in the central parts.

Put them to rest on a serving dish and decorate as desired with pastry cream mixed with whipped cream and some red fruit, then polished sides with gelatin neutral.

Chickan Grooping And Bus

puff pastry with apples with raisins and almonds

may happen that you do not have time or desire to cook (or as in my case, you have the flu but do not want to give up being a bit 'in the kitchen) but at the same time you do not want to give up a sweet. These puffs are great, get ready in no time but the result is excellent in my opinion.
I use the puff pastry, I have not ventured into it personally, but if you are more brave than me of course you can use your recipe for puff pastry!

puff pastry with apples with raisins and almonds

a fresh roll of puff pastry rectangle
2 apples, golden raisins 20g
30g almonds 20g of icing sugar honey

Peel apples and cut into fairly thin slices, then chop the almonds and grossly raisins.
Cut the pastry into 6 rectangles and arrange on each of 4 / 5 apple slices slightly overlapping each other. Brush the surface of the apples with honey, distributed over the almonds and raisins and finally sprinkle with icing sugar.
To ensure that the rectangles of dough do not warp during cooking, put the pastry in refrigerate for 15 minutes.
Now bake the puff pastry in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for 15 minutes. Once cooked, let cool and sprinkle with icing sugar nuovavente.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Viral Infection Over Four Weeks

The Sicilian Cassata

you post the recipe for a sweet Italian symbol ... cassata.
The recipe is by chef Luca Montersino.

Ingredients for a box:

Ingredients :
800 g of sponge
To the filling: 500 g

ricotta 120 g sugar 100 g chocolate

in drops 10 g mashed candied orange peel
10 g candied lemon peel puree
cinnamon to taste

To finish :
200 g marzipan pistachio
50 g to 200 g of candied pistachios

For decorative ice :
50 g of egg white
400 g of icing sugar

For the icing:
300 g sugar to taste dark water


Sift the ricotta passing twice through a fine sieve and mix with sugar in the leaf until planetary mixture is smooth like cream. Then add the cinnamon, the puree of candied fruit and chopped dark chocolate (the latter only with moisture before use otherwise the chocolate stain ricotta). Cover with greaseproof paper round the bottom of the mold and the edge form a frame composed of bands of sponge cake with pistachio marzipan and bands of alternating (2 cm wide) put on the bottom of the molds quashed a disc of sponge Spain, the mold filled with the filling of cottage cheese. Close another disc of sponge cake and cut down the temperature. Smodellate the mold lightly with a wet and soaked maraschino or orange above and below

, glazed with melted sugar (reheat in the microwave with a tablespoon of iced water and fast because it dries quickly, cmq if you have not finished the warm up again). Decorate the edge with the Decorative ice made by mounting the egg white and slowly add the sifted icing sugar. Garnish with candied fruit surface and the edge with chopped pistachios. You can then garnish of your choice with other candied fruit.

Try it and let me know ... Hello

Friday, February 11, 2011

Milena Velba Nadine Vid

few more pictures to the Gambero Rosso

What Is Formulas Of Cfm Calculate

The Birramisu '... The red shrimp

We now place this nice and original recipe came from two things that I like: The tiramisu 'and beer.
The tiramisu 'is taken as the basic recipe by master pastry chef Lucas Montersino .


175 g of egg yolk (51% sugar)
340 g caster sugar 100 g
Beer Coffee or chocolate / water (30% sugar) 1 vanilla bean bourbon

425 g cream 500 g mascarpone
250 g of sponge
400 g of wet beer
15 g unsweetened cocoa powder + 2 / 3 coffee beans crushed


For the cream : If you love beer then do this step with the beer, otherwise if you want to try the taste is fine what already gives the wet end and then you decide to do this step with the water. After making your choice you put your liquid in a saucepan and then put the sugar, stir the sugar time to dissolve and set on fire, cook up to 121 °, then pour the cooked sugar at this temperature on the egg that are already fitted with vaniglia.Montate until it cools. Now mounted with mascarpone cream cold well (watch out for this step because the cream will fit a lot more 'fast because there are also fat mascarpone. Look at sight because if you cross the right consistency then the two compounds are divided into small lumps and you have to throw everything). Passaiamo now to merge the two compounds, another point that deserves attention. In a pastry basic rule is that two compounds are mixed consistency simile.Noi best when we are faced with the egg mixture (which in technical parlance is called "base parfait" or better yet "pate a bomb") which is Very light and airy and then we have the mixture of cream and mascarpone cheese that has a more 'solid, then surely we insert the cream into the eggs and never the other way otherwise it would form lumps that should be difficult without taking away the mixture, do this: we take a small part of the mixture and mascarpone cream and put it in our base parfait, and only for this first operation, we shoot everything with a whisk until completely absorbed (because? usually mixing with a spatula from the bottom up but when we have to make two similar compounds, "sacrifice" a small part of the compound, stirring with a whisk which by its nature is not appropriate at this stage, but there ease in our primary objective is to make two similar compounds) have made a lot more than two hours' like before, now take a spatula and 2 / 3 times put the cream in parfait base by combining bottom-up and turning the bowl. Cover with foil to contact the mixture and store in refrigerator until needed.
Now take the first sponge cake and cut into slices of 1 cm, then remove the edges and cut quadratini.Bagnateli now with the beer bath (use a beer flavored with coffee or chocolate and adds them spices or whatever, because the beer already has its characteristic flavors and aromas) exceeds with wet otherwise your squares will then break down and spoil the cream releasing liquid that would change the consistency. We come now to the composition of the cake. For consistency I have served in a glass of beer, but if you have other requirements, you can use any other glass or tin. Start by placing the sponge on the bottom followed by a layer of cream tiramisu ', then continue layering, if you choose to do 2 or 3 layers and finish with the cream. Store in refrigerator at least 2 / 3 hours and just before serving, sprinkle the surface with a mixture of cocoa and coffee beans crushed.

E 'tiramisu' suitable for everyone, including children, as the Raw eggs are not pasteurized but not cooked with sugar and baked at 121 degrees.

I inserted the% next to the egg yolks and water to make it easier to prepare this compound pastry base for other uses and especially in doses diverse.Le% relate to sugar, so any amount you do not forget that the yolks are 51% of the weight of the sugar and water 30%.

For the sponge cake is a place with the recipe on the blog.

Fatmi Try to find out ...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Used Paraglider Europe

Paoloni Alessandro . 28. Romano, employee, a graduate in economics of financial markets, married. It 'a kind solar, meticulous, careful and accurate even in small things. She loves to cook everything and he likes to deal with others. His favorite dish is the risotto with cheese and pepper dust speck.

Over Four Weeks With A Viral Ifection

Plum cake yogurt and olive oil

Hello, I post this recipe for plum cake with classic alternative to butter, you get a good result with a final product more 'light. The recipe is the master pastry chef Leonardo Di Carlo.

Ingredients for two molds 26/28 cm loaf

eggs 375 g
caster sugar 420 g
vanilla pulp 2 g
salt 2 g
yogurt 350 g
powder Almond 200 g
weak flour 150 350 00 W g
13 g baking powder chemical
fruity extra virgin olive oil 100 g
Total 1816 g


Heat first 4 ingredients until 40/45 ° turn with a whip. Pour everything in the vanilla and adding to global mount, insert the yogurt and continue beating. Sift flour, baking powder and almonds and place them by hand stirring with a spatula from down. Then combine the olive oil flush. Pour into buttered molds and bake in preheated oven at 170/180 degrees for 40 minutes. That is the toothpick test.

Cooking: There are two possibilities, the first is the one described above, the other is to put a check to 220/230 ° view and just begins to swell to 150 ° and lower end cooking.

taste Variations: There are many variations of this cake to taste, one is based on the taste of yogurt you use, and then you can flavor to taste with spices like cinnamon or cardamom, chocolate chips or fruit like apples on the surface.

Try it and let me know .... Hello

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What Does The Nuetral Wire Do

Chicken cooked at low temperature!

Hello everyone, today I wanted to post this recipe is very tasty and surprising, but more 'what else I was interested in introduce a cooking technique that I use often and I am convinced is the most 'likely to get good results with some products. But let's go ... the recipe: Ingredients

1 chicken about 1Kg
Herbs to taste (I used fresh rosemary and a pinch of ground cinnamon)
Extra virgin olive oil.
salt, pepper and other spices to taste 1 envelope


The night before you prepare the chicken spennelando the skin with olive oil, then salt, pepper and other spices to your liking (there are good curry, paprika, etc.) put it in the bag for the vacuum in technical jargon are called "embossed envelopes" (if it does not enter, you will divide it in two envelopes) then put in as your choice of flavors, I put only good fresh rosemary and a pinch of ground cinnamon, and remove the air in the refrigerator until the day sigillate.Lasciatelo dopo.Accendete the oven at 60 ° and enter your chicken cooking is right around 8 hours. After this time, take the chicken, open the envelope and pour entire contents into a pan, put the grill of the oven, wait for it to go in temperature and place the pan with the chicken at the top near the grill, wait 4 / 5 minutes for the beautiful skin becomes crisp, then serve your chicken.

result: a tasty chicken and crispy outside and incredibly tender and not at all dry wad (a characteristic of chicken, especially in parts like the breasts) inside, you'll have all the flavors and aromas of your seasonings. Why do all the cooking time the chicken gets closed all the flavors and aromas of the sauce you've chosen and do not disperse as part occurs with normal cooking.
Another fundamental aspect for you to understand why the low temperatures are essential on some products is that certain types of meat overcome some temperatures, which vary from product to product, change color and become dry as the high temperature brings out all juices. This is not true for all the meat, such as in steak or grilled meats, such as Florence, ribs, rib steak, and so the speech does not apply because they need high temperatures and short cooking, but we will see later that other aspect.
This technique can also use it with all those meat-rich gelatinous fibers in need of slow cooking, such as pot roast. But you will get excellent results with a simple pork loin. But you can use this technique with some fish, but we will discuss the topic more 'forward.

You can spice up your product with thousands of other condiments, such as matches very well the beer, then place a small amount of beer in the bag along with other flavorings and leave in refrigerator overnight.

Try, try and let me know.

soon ...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Wax How To Tutorial For Man

Croissant French ...

Hello everyone, I decided to post today a basic recipe for leavened by international breakfast. The recipe is the master Leonardo Di Carlo. The ingredients are too few and the work is pretty easy, but there are some basic steps that make a difference, but highlights them as.

W 320 1000 g flour
yeast 20 g
whole eggs 300 g
fresh whole milk 250 g
200 g caster sugar
acacia honey 15 g
butter trad. 82% m, g, 200 g
salt 18 g
vanilla 2 g
butter trad. 82% of plaques (10 ° C) 500 g

mix the first 6 ingredients listed in the middle 'dough add little
time butter (200 g) mixed with the salt and vanilla.
Far work until dough is smooth and sustained.
Let rise for about 2-3 hours. at a temperature of 24-26 ° C, well
covered with HR 75% RH (75%). Put in refrigerator at +4 ° C overnight.
The next laminar plates with the butter, previously
laminated 5 mm, giving two to three folds to rest 15 minutes in
fridge, then another turn three, pull cut to a thickness of 2.5
a triangle, close to a cornet shape and let rise at 26 ° C
for 3-4 hours with 75% HR.
cooking convection oven: 180 ° C 17 min. ca.

The basic steps are the rest of the night in the fridge, then the next day, take the butter, put it between 2 sheets of baking paper and beat it with a rolling pin to make it rectangular in shape and top 1 / 2 cm. then put it back in the fridge making sure to pull out 4 / 5 minutes before the pasta so that it reaches the temperature of 8 / 10 is ideal for lamination. Then proceed to the 2 by 3 folds, rest, last fold and then you can proceed with the formation of croissants and cooking. I recommend it to preheat the oven at least 20 minutes earlier, at a temperature of 20/30 ° higher than that of cooking so that when you open the oven and the temperature will drop will approach the exact temperature. After entering the croissants immediately lowered the temperature. After 15 minutes you begin to visually check the croissants because they have to be beautiful golden but not too much otherwise they become dry and lose their fragrance once cold. Once baked you can polish them with a syrup of warm water (150 grams), sugar (200 grams) and glucose syrup (200 g) prepared by bringing the ingredients to a boil.

Once cooked you can save the croissants in food bags in the freezer at -18 ° for 60/90 days.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Mysoore Mallige Online

flour ...

Dear friends will place a clear and comprehensive explanation of the master Luca Montersino on various types of flour and their proper use.

Today we touch a particular key, hoping to meet the overwhelming request for clarification on many of you about it: we speak of flour and the symbol (W) which often uses to make that sweet and have more their right consistency!
So, we know that in the kitchen, the flour is used primarily for:
- making bread and pasta;
- to produce cakes and pastries;
- thicken sauces.

to produce cakes leavened with baking powder and flour used to thicken sauces rich in starch and low in protein. In fact, the acting baking powder with the heat of the oven during cooking and the presence of the gluten network is opposed to swelling of the dough, resulting in distortions in the form of cakes. Not by chance is often used in addition to the starch flour. The thickening of sauces is caused by absorption of water by the starch cells, which swell and make the thick liquid in which they are immersed. In fact, for this purpose is often used corn starch (cornstarch) or potatoes (starch), which have the quality to be clear, tasteless sauces.
The most important features concern for the bakery instead a series of concepts that can be summarized in the so-called strength of the flour.
Baking strength: This property is related in particular (but not only) the contents of protein, especially gliadin and glutenin, which together make up the gluten.
For example, a strong flour absorbs a greater amount of water in the dough and makes it more resistant and Tanach. These features allow a greater resistance to the rise thanks to stronger links of gluten, thus avoiding that the dough will deflate and improving the quality of bread. The strength of the flour is measured by means of appropriate mechanical tests sull'impasto (proof of extensibility and resistance). These tests can also play at home, in an empirical way to compare the strengths of two different meals.
And here emerges the famous W is the index that classifies the meal according to their strength.
Up to 170 W (weak flours): principarlmente flour used to produce biscuits, waffles, bread sticks, small cakes. Absorb about 50% of their weight in water.
From 180 to 260 W (average meal) flour for leavened dough that need an average amount of water (or liquid) such as French bread, olive bread or a few types of pizza. Absorb from 55% -65% of their weight in water and are the most commonly used in pizza.
From 280 to 350 W (strong flour) flour for leavened dough that require a large amount of water (or liquid) as baba, brioche, naturally leavened pastries and pizza. Absorb about 65% and 75% of their weight in water.
Over 350 W (special meals): flour made with specialty grains, mainly Americans, Canadians (such as Manitoba) used to reinforce weak or flour to make bread or cake special. Absorbs up to 90% of their weight in water.
Unfortunately, the W is not reported in the flour for home use, then the only thing to choose flour is related to protein content. The higher this value, the greater the ability for bread production. (Flour in the market are usually medium-weak, except when it comes to the bakery and Manitoba). Addressing ovens or bakeries, grain stores or you can purchase meal classified by W.

Bugati How Fast Quater Mile

The Sponge ...

Hello everyone, here I am posting a basic pastry recipe, is also an interesting technique that you can 'use in other recipes. The recipe is the pastry chef Luca Montersino.

Ingredients (for a mold or 28/30 2 forms from 18)
250 g egg
175 g caster sugar 150 g flour 00
weak (180/190 w)
50 g of potato starch
1 vanilla bean bourbon

Preparation :
cook eggs and sugar in a saucepan until you arrive at a temperature of 40/45 ° C (optimum temperature for maximum mounting needed results from the eggs), stirring constantly, put the mixture in the planetary and mounted whip until frothy and light.
Remove from the machine and add a hand with a rubber spoon sifted flour with potato starch, mixing everything carefully from the bottom up.
immediately Put the mixture into molds, resulting buttered and floured, bake immediately in oven at 190 ° C for 20 minutes.

The transition to warm the eggs and sugar is important, you will have a mounted undoubtedly superior in terms of volume and structure with respect to the operation carried out with eggs at room temperature or worse refrigerator. With this rapid pace will have a high, soft sponge cake without the addition of yeast. You can use this technique in other preparations where the whisk the eggs is an integral part of the success of the recipe.

soon ...

Where To Buy Kerosene In Ontario

Put one evening at dinner with 40 guests

Hello everyone, I cooked for 40 people Saturday at a birthday party and found unanimous view of the success I can not help but post this recipe: Risotto with

saffron, candied lemon and dust speck.

Serves 4

carnaroli 320 grams of rice (if you used a "watercolor") 1 small onion

100 grams of butter (80 grams if you use clarified butter)
1 liter of broth
candied peel of half a lemon (recipe below)
100 grams of parmesan cheese (if you can take advantage of the quality red cow)
1 / 2 cup white wine at room temperature
a few saffron + ovary
speck of powder to taste (see recipe in the post of cheese and pepper)

black pepper to taste Salt to taste Preparation

Put 40 g butter in the pan where the rice cook on low heat and let us cook the finely chopped onion, I recommend not increase the heat, it must put the right time and gradually become clear, must not cook otherwise you have a strong taste and at worst a burnt flavor that will ruin the dish. When the onion is transparent beautiful turn the heat immediately and throw the rice, stir well and toast 1 / 2 minutes, then put the alcohol-free wine at room temperature and let it just by lifting the fire. Begin now to adding hot broth and continue the cooking by adding it as the rice absorbs it, around halfway through cooking (about 8 / 9 minutes) add the saffron that you previously put in a beaker of boiling broth. Continue cooking and when there are 1 / 2 minutes add salt (do not do it too salty because then creaming is the Parmesan to flavor) and put the saffron, and let it absorb, then add the lemon candy. When cooked, turn off the heat and stir, adding the butter (60 grams and 40 grams clarified if using) cold, preferably frozen, and so shake the pan back and forth and turn, then put the cheese and when it's loose Cover and let stand one minute, then Serve and sprinkle with freshly ground pepper and dust speck.

lemon confit:

With the help of the potato peeler, cut the lemon zest and trying to avoid the white part that would give a very bitter taste. then cut into thin julienne if they were too long and cut them in half. Put everything in a pan over low heat with a tablespoon of sugar and some water. Wait until the sugar is melted and started turning occasionally, then add a few tablespoons of water if you see that is too dry, cook for 15-20 minutes, will form a shiny yellow syrup, to taste this point, they must be quite sweet, so if you add another tablespoon of sugar and let it melt. Remove from heat and set aside.

Try and let me know ....

Hello ...

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Mary Stuart Masterson West Of Here Nudity

Muffins with citrus marmalade

This is the season of citrus fruit and I decided to use them to make muffins soft release all their flavor!

Muffins with citrus marmalade

250g of flour
125gr sugar 250gr
yogurt citrus
70ml vegetable oil 2 eggs
an untreated lemon
a 'orange untreated
a sachet of baking powder

Grate the zest of lemon and orange.
Beat eggs and sugar until frothy. At this point, add the grated rind, oil and yogurt and mix well.
In another bowl sift the flour with the baking powder.
Pour the mixture into the first container that has been sifted flour and mix well until you obtain a homogeneous mixture.
Fill muffin tins to about half, add a teaspoon of jam mixture and top with the other so that the mold is filled with muffins for 2 / 3.
Bake at 160 degrees for about 20 minutes and you're done, the toothpick test.
the muffins from the oven and let them Cool on a wire rack.

With this recipe I participate in the contest Cynthia: citrus with which celebrates the first birthday of his blog.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Low Cal Tequila Drink

very hungry ... The first recipe risotto with cheese and pepper dust speck

begin to make know my kitchen publishing a recipe of the Roman tradition as cheese and pepper to which I added an ingredient, and revisited the technique.


-320 g sleeved
-210 grams of good pecorino
-50 grams of dust speck


Prepare an hour before the infusion of cheese, take a pot with water, bring to boil and add 50 grams of pecorino romano cheese, simmer 30 seconds, then lower the heat to a minimum, cover Simmer and then to at least 30 minutes.
jumps pasta Heat up a pan large enough to hold the dough without too much overlap, so use a pan at least 28 mm in diameter. When the pan is pretty hot put the dough without adding more and let it roast for 20-30 seconds, then place a ladle of your tea in the meantime you will bring to a boil. Then start cooking the pasta like a risotto, add as the infusion, but do not overdo it, otherwise the pasta will cook and there is too much water into the pot. Stir often and when you start to feel that the last few minutes of cooking salt, but very little, then started to when it is almost cooked add the remaining pecorino grated and turn shaking the pan (this is vital and must be done with the right amount of water inside the pot, because if you absorb all the little cheese and the pot will be dry, on the contrary if you could not to tie pasta with cheese and a plate was untied. But between the two evils because it is always better to have less than you can remedy by adding a bit of tea, but if too much is there is no remedy), in a few seconds you will see that thanks to the starch present in the dough will form a sauce that will surround the dough. Remove from heat, Serve and plenty of ground black pepper over each plate, finished by adding a sprinkling of dust speck.

speck of dust

Preheat the oven to 80 ° lying in your slices of bacon on a baking sheet underneath and cook for 4 / 5 hours. Take the speck that has lost all liquids and consistency will be very crisp, mettelo in a cutter and let it run long enough to grind into a powder (15/30 seconds). You can store food in tightly closed bags (put it in the fridge in summer).

I've posted this recipe to share with you the technique of cooking the pasta, so all the starch that contains the find during creaming which plays a key role. If you use this technique, always try to cook pasta with a broth flavored with possibly some of the ingredients in the recipe you use, so as to give the dough aromas and flavors without using still almost nothing.

Try it and let me know soon ....