Thursday, December 30, 2010
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For the last year, but also for a quiet evening of fun with friends, I propose an original play, simple, fun and very instructive: DEFINING THE
required: a dictionary , sheets, pens
Number of Players: minimum 4
Vince: who, within a predetermined speed, scores the most points.
how to play and accumulate points:
beginning of each turn you choose a person who plays the role of capogioco. The
capogioco choose a word (with meaning unknown to all) from the dictionary WITHOUT DISCLOSING DEFINITION. The silent
capogioco writes on a piece the right definition of the word vocabulary as little changes to make it less "dizionariesca" and then folds the paper and keep aside.
Also all players write on their paper a possible definition of the word choice, then fold the paper and hands it to capogioco.
latter, then read aloud each definition (without revealing the identity of the writer), including its leaves without showing any other (the spelling could identify who wrote what).
He who guesses right as defined by Collins wins 1 point.
win a point, even those who have got the vote to the definition by other players (1 point per vote).
The game ends when all players have had the opportunity to be capogioco and highest score wins.
E 'can add a variant consisting of the allocation by each player (except capogioco) of additional points concerning the definition most hilarious or original, not before, however, the score of exact definition.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
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go beyond our society based on capitalism light, desire, consumerism. we are approaching the end of 2010 and early 2011. well. is an excellent opportunity to have fun. but maybe we could steal the true meaning of this feast. Let us behind the old and new with open arms optimism. each of us has had memorable moments in 2010, but also pain. it is time to pause for a moment to think. and leave everything behind and then be free and peaceful for a fresh start. I propose a game, a rite.
December 31, 2010, and by midnight the first, choose an old object of property, which in some ways symbolizes the pain of situations that you faced during the year. Then take a piece of paper and write on things bad happened, the contrasts, what you failed to get but you would have liked. At this point the object and put the paper in a cardboard box and give it fire at midnight on the balcony (if you can then burn the paper torn or shredded or thrown in the garbage and break the object). this is a liberating rite.
then take another sheet and write up new resolutions for 2011, what do you expect from a good new year, what would you like to do or have. smile as you type. fold the paper and, at midnight or shortly after, put it in a jar or a bottle where you wrote the date. not stored the jar in a place where there is visible every day and reopen at 31/12/2011.
this is a rite.
.. and happy new year to all!
Mild Pains One Week Before Period
We woke up at 4 am. It will be for the time zone. Outside the window the sky is slightly illuminated by sunrise with intense shades of blue and violet. The contrasts with the green of palm trees is intense. The sea is silver.
"now that we are awake, and if we were swimming in the sea?"
"uh .. yes. The water will be nice and then at this time there is no "
Take gloves, boots, fins and masks .. SPLASH! We go in fresh water. It is the beginning of the discovery of the magnificent underwater paradise Polynesian. Myriad of colorful fish, corals, sponges. Excited as the children get lost in this fairytale world. Our bodies floating near the water. Our mind is filled with the euphoria of joy. We swim together. Almost hand to hand. Then I sign out. In the shore we stand gloves, mask, boots. Excited we face in a rebound of emotions without taking breath.
"go directly to breakfast?"
"I see you moving in the restaurant. I have a hunger .. "Sitting in front
fresh fruit, warm milk, warm croissants and baguettes. Wet skin is still fresh and the first warm sunshine appears some slight chill nice. We look in his eyes. Happy.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
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Dublin, December 17 (AP) - The Vatican tribunal of the Roman Rota prevented the diocese of Dublin to the lay state to reduce a serial pedophile priest Tony Walsh, and only with the intervention of John Paul II and the then Cardinal Ratzinger, the Vatican accepted it. Meanwhile, the priest came to rape a boy in the bathroom of a pub at the end of a funeral. And 'what emerges from the last chapter of a study on pedophilia in the clergy in Ireland.
In recent months the Pope has accepted the report's findings made by the Ministry of Justice Murphy in a letter to the Irish Catholics in admitting the faults of the Irish Church. Benedict XVI has accepted the resignations of several bishops in Ireland and has sent an apostolic visitation that will conclude the first part of the work at Easter.
The chapter of the report on Murphy to Father Walsh was not published until now because the priest was still on trial. Walsh, now 56, was sentenced to 12 years in prison. The prosecutor found that, when he was a priest in the diocese of Dublin, from 1978 to 1996, he molested hundreds of boys and girls, luring even the pretext of musical parish in which he imitated Elvis Presley.
Over the years, was also moved from one parish to another to avoid scandal. In 1993, finally, the then Archbishop of Dublin Desmond Connell organized an ecclesiastical trial that ended with the reduction by dismissal from the clerical state of Walsh, who, however, appealed to the court of the Roman Rota and won. Desmond asked, at that point, the intervention of Pope John Paul II and finally received a letter from Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, in January 1996, informing them that Walsh was finally defrocked.
The current archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin, has welcomed the survey results, claiming that Welsh should never be ordained a priest and that the Irish Church has sinned during the years of arrogance.
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Friday, December 17, 2010
the Vatican wanted an Irish priest convicted of molesting child ten years elapse in a monastery, but had no intention of reducing it to the lay state. This is shown by a chapter in the Murphy Report - the government report on the abuses of the clergy against children in Ireland from the 70s to today - published more than a year after the rest of the document because the trial of the priest in question, Tony Walsh , was still in progress.
Earlier this month the former priest was sentenced to 16 years in prison for sexually abusing three boys in the 70s and 80s. In the chapter of the Murphy Report which examines the case, the Catholic Church and the police suffer heavy criticism for more than 15 years Walsh was in fact free to molest children even though other priests, canons, monsignors, bishops and even the Archbishop of Dublin, were aware of what was happening. In the early 90's was an internal investigation was opened against him in 1993 and had reached the first request for removal from the priesthood.
Walsh, however, had appealed and the Vatican had decided in his favor. After molesting a child in the bathroom of a pub, Walsh was finally arrested in 1996, 16 years after the first complaint, the priest was defrocked. Forty people have complained of abuse by Walsh and the priest himself has admitted that he had "used children for sexual gratification "once every two weeks for a period of eight years.
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(AGI) - Rome, December 11 - The results of the committee Murphy, published in November 2009, provoked a storm in Ireland and in the community 'international Catholic describing in detail how the authorities' of the Church had uncovered pedophile priests in Dublin for thirty years. Dated February 26 this year, the American cable shows always the comments of the American diplomat to the Holy See, Julieta Noyes. According to Noyes, the Irish Committee, headed by Judge Yvonne Murphy, wrote directly to Vatican officials asking for information on investigations bypassing the traditional diplomatic channels.
"While the contacts at the Vatican immediately expressed deep sympathy for the victims and insisted that the priority 'would prevent it from happening again (that kind of abuse, ed), were also angered by how the situation has been conducted from the point of view politician, "said the report confidential. "The requests of the Murphy have offended many in the Vatican, the director of the Holy See, Peter Wells," he told the American diplomat that it assessed those claims as "an affront to the sovereignty 'of the Vatican."
cablegrams also reveal the Holy See's position on the situation in Cuba, told the State Department embassy in Rome. Earlier this year the Holy See had expressed its concerns to U.S. diplomats to the economic and political tension on the island that could result in "a bloodbath" and asked to loosen the tension, the end of 'embargo. E ', according to a cablegram of 21 January 2010, the U.S. Embassy to the Holy See, published by Wikileaks.
In a meeting between the number two U.S. embassy to the Holy See, Julieta Valls, and in charge of Cuban affairs for the Vatican, Angelo Accatino, it stated that "the disastrous economic situation of the island and political tensions could lead to a bloodbath. " Accatino have underlined the need to "dialogue" with Cuba, "as unpleasant results," avoiding the U.S. remains "hostage to its own internal policy," particularly in reference to the "counter-embargo" that bears on the island for 50 years.
The charge of Cuban affairs for the Vatican have also warned the United States from avoiding "any unilateral action against Cuba" because it 'might be used by the brothers Castro and Hugo Chavez as a political weapon. And in reference to the political situation in the region, Abbatine stated that the 'real' successor of Fidel Castro is not 'his brother Raul but rather' the Venezuelan president who has the oil revenues for finance the Bolivarian revolution. "
Finally, as regards the entry of Turkey into the EU in 2004 (at a time when the Vatican was officially neutral on the issue), the then Cardinal Ratzinger spoke out against the accession of a Muslim state.
The Holy See Calls to the conclusion that the reliability 'of the file relating to Wikileaks' reports sent to the State Department the United States of America by the U.S. Embassy to the Holy See, "" subject to and must be assessed very carefully, taking into account, there is a note of the fact that "these reports reflect the perceptions and opinions of those who have drawn up, and can not be considered expression of the same Holy See 'Quote of the precise words of its officials. "
This" no go - further notes the statement - in the evaluation of the extreme gravity' of the publication of a large amount 'of sensitive documents and confidential information and its possible consequences. "(AGI).
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(AFP) - London, 11 December -''The Vatican refusal 'to cooperate with Ireland in relation to abuse investigations of six children by Catholic priests in Dublin because 'requests came not from official channels.''And' what emerges from the latest revelations of the cablegrams Wikileaks on the inquiry by the committee Murphy in 2009.
Request, it says, that''offended''that many in the Vatican believed that''the Irish government had not respected and protected the sovereignty 'of the Holy See.''
The Commission's findings Murphy Abuse, published in November 2009, provoked a storm in Ireland and in the community 'international Catholic describing in detail how the authorities' of the Church had uncovered a pedophile priests Dublin for thirty years.
Dated February 26 this year, the American cable published by the ''''The Guardian newspaper, reports the comments of the American diplomat to the Holy See, Julieta Noyes. In particular, it is said that the Commission, headed by Judge Yvonne Murphy, wrote directly to Vatican officials asking for information about investigations outnumber official diplomatic channels.
''While the contacts in the Vatican - says the confidential report - immediately expressed deep condolences for the victims and insisted that the priority 'was to prevent a recurrence (of abuse), is also angry that the situation was conducted by political point of view. Requests the Committee Murphy have offended many in the Vatican.''
Councillor the Holy See, Peter Wells had told the American diplomat that it assessed those claims as''an affront to the sovereignty 'of the Vatican.''
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The Vatican has allowed its agents to testify in the investigation of the Irish Committee on the scandal of pedophile priests, showing uncooperative with Dublin. And 'what is said in a' cable 'released by Wikileaks and quoted by the Guardian is reporting that diplomats from the U.S. and Ireland. The contents of the documents' reflect the opinions of those who drafted them and can not be considered an expression of S.
See, 'said Father Lombardi.
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December 17
The former priest Tony Walsh, who was sentenced to 12 years and jailed last week for raping three children (but there are fears that the cases have been dozens), and 'indicated in the report as a of the most 'despicable pedophiles Irish. The document is reported as coming 'to raping a boy in the bathroom of a pub in Dublin at the end of a funeral in May 1994. In 1993 the diocese of Dublin wanted 'defrocked' but "the Vatican opposed," wrote the Guardian, allowing Wals to appeal while he was ordering the 'imprisoned' in a monastery. Only three years later, after the insistence of the Archbishop of Dublin Desmond Connell with John Paul II and the then Cardinal Ratzinger, the Vatican expelled him from the communion of priests.
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Milan, December 21 (Adnkronos) - sentenced to ten years in prison for Don Domenico Pezzini, The priest accused of aggravated sexual assault against a girl from Bangladesh. The preliminary hearing judge in Milan ruled that expedited the priest of the Diocese of Lodi also confirmed the extent of the prison, rejecting the request of the defense had asked that the arrest in a community 'monastic.
The priest, according to the prosecution, had abused between 2006 and 2009 of a boy who at the time was less than 14 years. The prosecutor in Milan, Christian Roveda, had asked for eight years and a half in prison, while the lawyer, Mario Zanchetti, had asked for the acquittal and the alternative transfer from prison in a community '. The victim 'was granted a provisional compensation of 50 thousand euro. Don Pezzini, a priest well known in the community 'homosexual, was abusing the young man at his home in Milan.
According to the indictment, the religious have approached the boy, who lived in a state of deterioration, in a park, giving him a chance 'for help. In reality, 'he abused him most' times for about three years. During the investigation, prosecutors had arrived in another complaint of sexual abuse against the priest, by a stranger who said he raped a fifteen years ago when he was a minor. Without limits, but the allegation was used as additional evidence to confirm the picture in the process.
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December 21
(AGI) - Milan, December 21 - The priest Don Domenico Pezzini and Lodi 'was sentenced to ten years Gup di Milano for aggravated sexual assault against a boy originally from Bangladesh, now sixteen. The process and 'the case with the summary procedure. The Gup has also confirmed the detention, while the defense had asked for house arrest. The punishment imposed and 'greater than the required eight and a half years in prison by the prosecutor advanced, Cristiana Roveda, while the defense had asked for the acquittal. The abuse allegedly took place between 2006 and 2009, when the victim had an age 'even less than 14 years.
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MILANO, 21 DIC - E 'was sentenced to ten years in prison, the priest Don Domenico Pezzini, accused of aggravated sexual assault against a girl from Bangladesh. The ruling and 'was given expedited by Gup di Milano. The court also confirmed the extent of the imprisonment of the priest of the Diocese of Lodi, in rejecting the request of the defense that he had asked the Gup that the man was put under house arrest in a community 'monastic. According to the survey, the priest was abusing the girl between 2006 and 2009 even when they were younger than 14 years. (ANSA).
Friday, December 10, 2010
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Monday, December 6, 2010
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Sunday, December 5, 2010
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Friday, December 3, 2010
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